Breast Milk Supply & Production: Toddler, Munchkin

Results 41-50 from 60 articles

Breastfeeding with an Illness

J.S. asks from Springfield

After 4 kids, I should know this, but have never run into this issue before. I am currently breastfeeding my 3 week old. oday, she started to get very fussy, which is...


Out of Control Diaper Rash

C.R. asks from Greensboro

My 10 month old son has a ridiculous diaper rash that doesn't seem to be getting any better. He has had a bad rash like this once before and his pediatrician prescrib...


In Need of Suggestions

J.P. asks from Lynchburg

My 4 month old son has a terrible time using the bathroom. I have given him Karo syrup in bottles, tried watered down juices, and nothing seems to work. Just wonderin...


Seeking Moms' Who Have Picky Eaters and How They Were Able to Get Them to Eat

Y.S. asks from Washington DC

I need help in getting my 3 1/2 yrs old son to eat foods other then chicken nuggets, french fries, doritoes, go-gurts, fruit snacks and pancakes. He has had the worst...


Thanks for All Your Advice!!!

M.M. asks from Dallas

My 5.5 month old daughter has her first sickness--diarrhea since Friday. We took her to urgent care and they said it is probably rotavirus. I just wanted to know if...


First Time Mom of 1 Week Old Baby Boy!

A.H. asks from Los Angeles

Help!!! I'm 40yrs old, first time mom of a (one week old) Baby Boy. Please, I need advise from all of the wonderful moms that have gone through the same thing of ...


BPA In Baby Bottles

A.M. asks from Spartanburg

I have been reading a lot lately about BPA in baby bottles. I am starting to get concerned that the bottles I have been giving my daughter for the past 8 months may ...


Learning to Take a Bottle

B.B. asks from Portland

My sister has a one month old that is breastfed, but her doctor recommended introducing a bottle so that if/when she ever needs to use one- she'll take it more easily...


Is It Ok to Drink Deit Soda If Breastfeeding

K.L. asks from Columbia

So I'm wondering if it is ok to drink deit soda if i'm breastfeeding???


BPA In Bottles?

S.S. asks from Kansas City

Have you all been hearing/reading about the research they're doing on BPA found in baby bottles and infant formula cans? Haven't we turned out fine and aren't your k...