I need to start winging my 7 month old as I am getting busier and busier with work. I have been nursing to date and over the last month have introduced her to rice c...
What is the best formula for babies with acid reflux?
I know every baby is different but I'd appreciate hearing what you've tried and worked or didn't work.
My 6 month old is strictly breastfed but I'd like to have some formula on hand for emergencies. What is the best formula out there? Price is not an issue as I'll on...
What is your opinion on generic vc name brand formula? Unfortunately starting 2 months ago I could no longer breast feed (medical reasons) my now 4 month old. I have ...
I am trying to get my 7 month old daughter to start eating formula. She has been on Breast milk since birth. I am a working mom and my sister keeps my daughter. ...
My daughter is two months old. She strains constantly like she has to pass a bowel movement and they are more liquid than anything. She is 90% breastfed. We have g...
Has anyone used mylicon for gas relief in their infant? My son is one month old and suffers from bad gas. He doens't cry from it but does fuss a lot. I'm looking f...
Alrighty moms. My wife is shy on posting, but she has been grappling with the idea of not breast feeding. (we have a 3 week old.) Our families (moreso mine) are reall...
My 5 month old baby girl was diagnosed with reflux several weeks after her birth. Her pediatrician prescribed 15 mg of prevacid a day. I have noticed improvement wi...
6 month old breastfed and now need to move to formula. Can you vary the different types of formula throuighout the day (i.e. w/iron for breakfast, dha for lunch, etc...