By Stain Type: The First Years

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23 answers

Recommendation for Sippy Cups That Don't Spill...

Anyone have any recommendations for sippy cups that wont spill when held upside down? My son always takes his cup and shakes it upside down depositing milk everywhere! I thought we had finally found a solution with the Nuby cups, but they leak too. Any suggestions?


Juice Pros and Cons

My doctor says no juice (for my almost 12-month old) due to sugar and the...


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23 answers

Debating over a Cat....

I need a little help deciding here... my mother in law has 2 cats they're both sweet but however she's been looking to give one away. I've never been a cat lover or a dog lover for one reasons....the shedding of hair... However this cat she wants to give away, when i was pregnant it would always come by my tummy and rub its head every time i go there it comes to me and it just wants to play... this cat has gotten into in love with him... I would take him in our home, but one problem...he sheds like crazy. you touch it and you get a...