Can anyone recommend a good Toddler car seat. My daughter is not old enough for a booster but is about to outgrow her car seat that she is currently using. I was lo...
Does anyone know of any ways to get a two month old to enjoy riding in the car? My son hates riding in the car for any length of time. As soon as you put him in the...
How do I accomodate three car seats in my Ford Taurus? I have a 3 year old daughter who rides in a 5 point harness car seat/booster. I have just started watching (pa...
Hello Mothers
I was wondering if any of you could recommend a car seat for my 2 year old. We had a great infant seat but the booster we bought is too low and not com...
Hi everyone, we recently switched our one year old over to a convertible car seat. We got a really, nice (expensive) one from my SIL. Here's my question, my hubby and...
My 4 month old son( who is already 21 pounds and 28 inches in length), is growing out of his infant car seat and now I'm in the process of finding a reasonably priced...
So my LO is ready for the next stage of car seat. I am interested in the Britax Frontier and Graco Nautilus. Any thoughs? I travel a lot with the llittle guy and t...
Any advice on how to fit three car seats (two toddler seats + one infant carrier) into the back of a Ford focus? Which car seats have the smallest dimensions (in wid...
We are doing an 18 hour flight to Europe in about a week. I have a 2.5 year old and an 8 month old baby. I am trying to decide if I should bring the car seat for the ...
I am going with my 2 year old daughter on a one week trip on my own. It seems that I may need to bring a car seat along with me to have for the car I will be ...