Changing Schools: Child, Hydrocortisone

Results 1-10 from 145 articles

My 5 Year Old Has Excema

A.G. asks from Wichita

My 5 year old daughter has excema. When she was an infant, it was so bad that she has scratches all over her face. She was reffered to a determatologist. He gave me s...


Acid Mantle (Cream Mixed with Hydrocortisone) - Is It Safe?

J.L. asks from Philadelphia

I have a 15 month old son who has extremely sensitive skin and had horrible ezcema (sp?) since he was an infant. We found out that it was mostly caused by an allergy...


5-Year Old with Eczema?

D.G. asks from Buffalo

My little guy has battled eczema every winter since he was 2. However, it continues to get worse each year and has become so difficult to keep under control. We eve...


New to Eczyma

R.L. asks from Spokane

My son was just "diagnosed" wth eczyma. He is 2 years old and it is driving him crazy. I don't know anything about this problem and would love any ideas everyone ha...


Dry Hands

E.M. asks from Louisville

My 5 year old daughters hands are so dry they are bright red and almost to the point of bleeding! every time i put lotion on she screams and says it burns ( which im ...


Seeking Advice on Infant's Rash

J.P. asks from Miami

My 9 month old son developed a rash about a month ago around his neck and it has spread to his torso and diaper area. His pediatrician prescribed hydrocortisone cream...


"Pimples" on Butt

A.B. asks from Oklahoma City

My daughter has pimples on her butt. She doesn't have a rash on her "areas" but pimples on her butt. I used the butt paste when she is with me and it works and they s...


Advice on Toddlers Face Rash

R.L. asks from Seattle

My daughter is 20 months and she has this rash on her lower part of her cheeks on both sides, has anyone ever come across this? If so, what do you suggest? I was told...


19 Month Old & Dry Skin

V.M. asks from Norfolk

My 19 month old was born with sensitive skin and tends to have a little excema (not sure of spelling), when I took him to his recent dr appointment I asked about the ...


Eczema Getting Worse on My 2 Boys

M.M. asks from San Francisco

Hi moms, I have a 4 yo and a 5 month old boys that have eczema. My 4yo has it all over his body and its getting worse as he ages. I moisturize his body 2-3/day with ...