my 3 month old grandson has a cough, more like a bark. doesn't have any other symptoms. no fever, runny nose. nothing. only happens 1 or 2 times a day but it is an ...
My daughter, Katrinah, has had a cough for nine days. Medicines don't work very well. She also complains of headaches and she gets really cold (by really cold i mean ...
I have a 6 yr. old that has been coughing off and on for awhile now. It recently got worse, but it is a dry cough. He gets into these fits of coughing and can't sto...
Anyone ever had a child with a nervous cough? Sort of a throat clearing ,cough thing.
He is 6 years old and can get fairly anxious about new situations etc.
In scho...
My 3 year old daughter has had a loose, productive cough for about a week now. She has no congestion associated with it, but at night I can hear what seems to be post...
My 5 year old girl is completely depressed all of a sudden - it is like she learned about the emotion of guilt for the first time and it is literally ruining her days...
my nine month old son has a horrible cough that is keeping him up at night. He also has a runny nose. He sleeps with a humidifier but it doesn't seem to help. My h...
My 6 year old DD has frequent barking croupy coughs at night which can last for hours. She seems to fill with mucus and often coughs until she vomits. When she vomi...
What do you do for a 2 year old with a really bad cough. Well actually, the cough itself is not that bad or that frequent. It's just that my son will gag from I gue...
My 5 year old has a horrible cough. No other symptoms. it is a very tight and loud cough...almost like bronchitis. We are seeing his pediatrician tomorrow at 130 tomo...