Dehydration: Similac

Results 31-40 from 165 articles

3 Month Old with Diarrehea

S.M. asks from New York

Hello Moms, I didn't want to update this yet so I am going to write this in now. My own pediatrician advised it is okay for me to give her rice cereal just alittle b...


Still Spitting Up

K.T. asks from Phoenix

Hello MamaSource moms !!! I'm writing in regards to see if I'm overreacting or if it is something I should be concerned about. My son who is 3 months old CONTINIOUSLY...


6-Week Old with Diarrhea - Which Formula

M.D. asks from Louisville

My son has had diarrhea for the last 6 days..and I have spoken to the doctor who does not seem to be concerned.. He is still eating great and peeing like h...


1 Year Old Doesn't Drink milk...what to Give Him

D.B. asks from Dallas

My one year old was on Nutramigen as an infant and refused it at 10 1/2 months. We tried whole milk but it was tough on his system. We tried Rice Milk and he would ...


Bowel Movements in a One Year Old

E.E. asks from Cleveland

I have a one year old girl who is on vit D milk and was doing good till about a week maybe two weeks ago and is now stuggling to have bowel movements. She will eat wh...


Desperate--please Help

J.C. asks from Houston

thanks so much for all who responded to my 'stomach virus or something worse?'... i had another question- he is allergic to cows milk- or was- i think he grew out of ...


23 Week Old, Daughter, Is Having Painful Bowel Movements, What Do I Do?

C.B. asks from Minneapolis

My 23 WEEK old has had 3 bowel movements today where she is screaming in pain and crying.. The poops are not very big (relatively speaking) but are very hard.. Probab...


6 Month Old Baby Boy Will Not Take Formula

A.E. asks from Los Angeles

My 6 month old baby boy only takes breastmilk. I nurse or pump every 3 hrs to continue to produce, but it seems like my baby is not getting full. Keep in mind he eats...


Is It Safe to Give Polyvisol with Iron on a Breastfed Baby?

S.Z. asks from San Francisco

hi moms good morning! i recently signed up here in mamapedia to ask moms from your experiences, i desperately need your opinions and advice. is it safe to give polyvi...


8.5 Month Old No Longer Taking Formula

A.T. asks from Los Angeles

my 8.5 month old baby for the past 11 days has not been drinking his formula. I'm lucky if he even gets 12 oz a day but today it's only 3 oz. He eats fine and seems t...