Diapers & Diaper Changing: Infant, Teddy Bears

30 answers

6Wk Old Baby Needs to Be Held to Sleep

Hi, i understand that baby's sleep habits will change from time to time. I want to know if my baby girl 6 wks is too young to let cry to sleep. since birth she slept alot until recently. being more and more awake and less naps. (which of course means less sleep for me). i know she gets tired and cranky and wants to sleep but have trouble falling asleep sometimes (especially when i want her to at night) unless i let her sleep on my chest or hold up on my shoulders. I get tired of letting her sleep on my chest because i'm lounging on a love...

Diaper Rash

See all 7 articles
32 answers

Soap/Shampoo Recommendations for Infant W/ Eczema

My 4 month old daughter is dealing with eczema. It seems to be brought on by the colder weather and changes in humidity. (We've been using a humidifier in her room to help.) I have used dreft detergent since she was born without any problems, however, I am thinking of switching to ALL free and clear to see if that helps. I lather her up with Aquaphor multiple times a day and that does seem to give her the most relief. I also use an Aveeno lotion once in a while. I use cortizone on the big flare ups as needed, but it's worse around her...