Eating Habits & Schedule: Infant, Similac

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15 answers

Breastfeeding Baby Won't Take Bottle....

i have a two month baby i've been breastfeeding but there are times when i want her to take a my huandsband can bond or so i can go out to do errands or just get out and have a break... i pump and the milk goes to waste because she won't take a bottle or even a pacifire to calm her.i thought maybe it is the nipple so ive tried diffrent types from evenflow to regular types of bottles.silicone to latex.she's not having it!i told my doc and she like oh thats good because she breast feeding.but heack i can't go out for long because...


Similac Vs. Enfamil

Hello Mommies! I have a newborn, only 13 days old. We've figured out she...

Eating Loss of Interest

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31 answers

Similac Vs. Enfamil

Hello Mommies! I have a newborn, only 13 days old. We've figured out she has a milk intolerance so we started giving her Similac Alimentum formula about a week ago. Since, she has gotten better but now, about 20 mins after she eats, she goes through a rough period where she obviously uncomfortable, inconsolable crying, squirming, grunting, etc. I have heard that Similac products are harder on their systems than Enfamil products. I want to switch her to Enfamil Nutramagen but I'm waiting for the doctor to call me back. By the way, the...


Refuses All Formula

8 mo. old baby girl allergic to soy and dairy (causes mild to moderate...

Nighttime Feedings

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17 answers

Similac Advance - Formula Question

Since our baby was born, she was breastfed, but needed a supplement. We continued using the formula we started on in the hospital - Similac Advance. She has been doing great with the 'ready to go' kind, getting less than 8 oz. a day supplement. I recently bought the Similac Advance 'Early Shield' variety. She has had non stop gas - starting 5 min. after she ate! I hate to think her little tummy is hurting because of it! Obviously I am not giving it to her again...but I am wondering if other moms out there had a similar experience? ...


Similac Vs. Enfamil

Hello Mommies! I have a newborn, only 13 days old. We've figured out she...