Family Pets: Infantino

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24 answers

Baby Carriers or Slings?

Any advice on baby carriers for newborns and beyond six months? Feedback on pros/cons on brands like the ERGO, Baby Bjorn, Beco and Infantino backpack carrier would be great. I'd also love to hear feedback on reasons why someone would use a sling (I'm a bit afraid to use it given the recent recall) vs. carrier. Thanks!


Bath Toy Funk!

my son's squishy bath toys (the little animals like duckies and whales and...

Pets with Children

See all 8 articles
23 answers

Feedback About the Ergo Infant Carrier

I'm curious if anyone has used the Ergo Infant Carrier and what you thought of it. My son is almost 6 months old and, of course, loves to be carried all the time. But I've had a brace on my wrist for a month and it's hard to hold him too long without a carrier. He hates the sling and he's way too heavy in the bjorn now. It's killing my back. The Ergo looks like a great product but it's very expensive so I was hoping for some reviews from others who've used it. Any thoughts on infant carriers for 6 - 12 month olds?


Toddler and Dog

I need some suggestions. My toddler gets very exctied around our ten year...