Feeding Problems: Toddler, Avent

Results 21-30 from 655 articles

When to Start Bottle Feeding...?

S.P. asks from Seattle

I just recently gave birth last week & I am trying to figure out when I should start pumping & bottle feeding my daughter. I don't want to start too soon since I want...


Seeking Information on Breast Feeding

S.C. asks from Chicago

I am due in Nov with my first child. I plan on breastfeeding, however I know I have to go back to work unfortunatly so I plan on pumping and also bottle feeding (Lett...


Breast and Bottle Feeding

T.J. asks from Seattle

I only work once a week and just went back, and Daddy has had a problem getting our 5 week old to take a bottle. Anyone have any tips? I read that he could take his...


20 Month Old Still Breastfeeding!

B.B. asks from Lakeland

I would really like to stop breastfeeding my 20 mth old. Any suggestions on weening...he really has a fit when I try to withhold.


How Much Milk Does a 16 Month Old Need?

D.N. asks from Orlando

I have 16 month old triplet boys. They are still drinking out of a bottle. I have been have difficulty getting them to learn to hold their own bottle, let alone get u...


20 Month Old Daughter Will Not Take Milk from a Cup

A.W. asks from New York

My little girl will not drink milk from a cup. We have tried all types of sippy cups with all kinds of characters on them, but she refuses. SHe will drink juice or ...


Finger Food for 14 Month Old & Sippy Cups

J.P. asks from Lexington

I have a 14 month old daughter who is a picky eater. I feel like I feed her the same things over and over every day. I can't find any vegetables she likes. She lov...


Breast Feeding and Formula Feeding??

J.B. asks from San Francisco

Is it safe to both breast feed & formula feed a newborn baby??


Bottle Feeding

N.B. asks from Kansas City

I am having a very hard time getting my son to take a bottle. I am a stay at home mom so he always has the breast available! He is 11 weeks old and I am trying to g...


Weaning 12 Month Old

J.F. asks from Goldsboro

I am trying to wean my exclusively breastfed child and would like any advice on this. He had been nursing 4 times a day, one before am nap, pm nap, bedtime, and one ...