Gear & Toys: Earth's Best

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46 answers

Gerber Baby Food Plastic Containers

With all the news coverage about concerns over plastics I've started checking the recycling codes on all the stuff our son uses. I noticed over the weekend that Gerber Baby food comes in plastic with a recycle code of 7 - which has been reported to contain BPA. I've emailed the company and for the time being have switched to brands (Earth's Best) that come in glass containers - but really miss the variety that Gerber offered. Any advice on making baby food at home or resources that explain how to make baby food? I'm pretty short on time...


My Baby Gear

In having twins, I have found I have double everything in the way of baby...

Clothing & Accessories

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13 answers

Meal Ideas for 1 Year Old

My son just turned 1 and the doctor gave us the go ahead to try pretty much any type of foods. Here is my husband and I work odd schedules, so my son does not eat when we do therefore it's hard for him to eat what we are eating. He eats gerber lil meals and lil entrees and loves them but as you know the price can add up. I'm looking for some other ideas for breakfast, lunch and dinner. He does not like waffles or pancakes so breakfast is tricky. He loves fruits, veggies and meat though. Also, when did you start your baby on...