Housekeeping: LL Bean

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31 answers

Great House Outfits? Sloppy Mama Had a Wake up Call Today.

I am tired of having sloppy house clothes. But with three very young kiddos I have to shop at the speed of light unless its on-line. I'm tired of grabbing garments at Target and Costco. My old navy stuff often looks horrible after 3 washes. Today I grabbed some clothes that I was mildly embarrassed for my husband to even see me in ( but the room was dark and in a bit of a laundry crisis ). What I had forgotten is that my husband's business partner would be there before 6:00 a.m. so they could car pool to an out of town conference...


Getting Organized :)

I am not the most unorganized person in the world but I could definitely be...

Natural & Homemade Cleaners

11 answers

Cribs, Car Seats, Bob Revolution, Nordic Cab? Ugggg.

Anyone have a car seat, baby jogger, stroller, crib, glass baby bottles, co-sleeper....any product for a new baby.... that they love? I am overwhelmed by the choices. We are looking for excellent quality and as non toxic, as possible. I understand many of the paints, glues are not good for the baby! Organic is great! I was looking at the Bob Revolution baby jogger, and some kind of car seat that would fit into that for the first several months of use. Also, Nordic Cab's Sport Combo jogger. LL Bean shows both. Thanks so much!