Illnesses & Symptoms: Toddler, Xopenex

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11 answers

Xopenex vs Albuterol??? Please Advise!!!

Hi Ladies, My 5 year old DS just started his first bad cough and of course it turns out he has bronchitis !! His ped prescribed him albuterol or xopenex ... I read the literature and both seem to have the same side effects so would like some feedback as to which would be better based on personal experiences of course!! I have to begin his nebulizer treatment today and am so on egde and hate to see him cough so bad...any other natural remedies than can ease his discomfort and any other advise will be greatly appreciated ! Thanks! ...


Coughing at Night

Our little man (2.5 years) has had a cough for a while now and it only...


Constant Runny Nose

Hi momma's since starting preschool my DS constantly has a runny nose every...


See all 132 articles
33 answers

Any Reactions to Xopenex or Pulmicort?

Has anyone's child use a nebulizer with Xopenex or Pulmicort and had any behavioral reactions? My 2 year old has been acting terrible lately and we have been using these medications for a few days. Just wondering if there could be a connection? Thanks!

Cold & Flu

See all 137 articles
33 answers

Any Reactions to Xopenex or Pulmicort?

Has anyone's child use a nebulizer with Xopenex or Pulmicort and had any behavioral reactions? My 2 year old has been acting terrible lately and we have been using these medications for a few days. Just wondering if there could be a connection? Thanks!


Cold Induced Asthma

For parents who have a child who has cold induced asthma. What do you do to...

Cough & Cold

See all 129 articles
33 answers

Any Reactions to Xopenex or Pulmicort?

Has anyone's child use a nebulizer with Xopenex or Pulmicort and had any behavioral reactions? My 2 year old has been acting terrible lately and we have been using these medications for a few days. Just wondering if there could be a connection? Thanks!