I am so beside myself on what it takes to teach a 10 year old how to ride a bike ?Is this a difficult thing ? My child has no balance at all. We have tried various ...
We want to get our son a bike for his 4th birthday in a month. Do you recommended the 12 in or the 14 inch? He is normal, average height for his age. I want him to be...
We gave our son a bike with no training wheels for his 7th birthday. Dad took him out this past beautiful weekend to attempt to learn. On his first go round he took...
Hello Fabulous Ladies!
We're thinking of purchasing a balance bike (for our soon to be 5 year old son) that is age appropriate (larger). I would love some input f...
For moms whose child struggled to pedal a bike and even a tricycle, do they eventually just get it or should I seek other help from doctor or OT? My son will be 4 in ...
We are finally getting our son his first bike! He is 4 1/2 years old and a bit on the short side (not sure if that matters when purchasing a bike). We wanted to kno...
Where we live, the only area to ride a bike is our turn around drive way. That said, my 8 year old can't ride his bike without training wheels. He relys on the too m...
My daughters, 5 and 7, MUST learn to ride their bikes this summer without the training wheels. We have a new larger bike for the 7 year old, and the 5 year old can m...