Learning: Myself, Melissa & Doug

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18 answers

Looking for Advice on Toy Train Set

We're considering investing in a toy train set for the kids and a lot of the reviews we've read favor the Melissa and Doug set. I've never seen it and I'm wondering how it compares to the Thomas and Brio sets (or others). Also, are the pieces interchangeable?


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19 answers

Best Toy Purchase for Your 3 to 5 Year Old

Hi there, I'm about to put in a big order on Amazon for several good quality toys that are hard for us to find where we're currently living overseas (and if we do find them they're usually double the price as in the US). Having said that, I'm interested in knowing of any really, really, really great purchases you made for your little one that have provided hours of fun playtime. I posted this before and got some great ideas...thank you...so I'm really just asking one last time before I place the order. I have Dulplo legos, Playmobil,...


Skipping a Grade

My son is in second grade, and he is advanced in math and reading at a 5th...