Medications: Maalox

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11 answers

Looking for a Safe Natural Remedy

I'm looking for a safe natural remedy to get rid of herpes. When ever I get a really bad cold I always end up getting herpes in and around my nose. I think it must be from blowing my nose so much which cause my skin to become extremely agitated. My OB/GYN doesn't want me to use the Rx I have since I'm 14 weeks pregnant. I always feel extremely ugly when I get one and don't like to go out in public. With out meds I'm afarid it will take forever to clear up, since I still have my cold. So any help out there to help me clear up my nose...


Relief for My Mom :(

My mom has shingles and she is in a lot of pain. Along with the nerve pain,...

Natural & Homeopathic

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7 answers

Relief for My Mom :(

My mom has shingles and she is in a lot of pain. Along with the nerve pain, she also is suffering from burning and itching where the blisters are. She has been to the doctor and they are treating her with oral medications. I was hoping someone would have some suggestions for something she could put on topically to get some relief. We have tried a couple of over the counter creams and are willing to try just about anything. Are there any natural or homeopathic treatments for the skin? I hate to see her suffer and I really want to help her! ...

Over the Counter (OTC)

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12 answers

Formulas/treatments That Work Well for Babies with Ger/acid Reflux

I have a 3 week old daughter that was just diagnosed with GERD/acid reflux. I am trying to get recommendations on formulas that are better tolerated by babies with GER. For now, the dr has me sitting the baby up for a half hour after she eats and giving her 0.5 ml of Maalox after each feeding. We just started this so I don't know how it will work, but next week we will change the formula - the dr had her on similac alimentum, which is really expensive and perhaps not necessary. Any recommendations on treatments, what to do to make her feel...


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53 answers

Experience W/ Colic Calm Gripe Water ? Prevacid/Zantac Not Working

My baby is 5 weeks old and was diagnosed a week ago with reflux (GER) which she's had probably since she was about 3-3.5 weeks old. She cries nonstop all day basically. She's on prevacid in the morning maalox max throughout the day (as needed) which provides very temporary relief (few minutes) and Zantac at night. It's been just over 5 days now and we're still not seeing much improvement. My ped GI said give it 2 weeks but that just seems ridiculous - you'd think by now I'd see a little improvement! I heard about Colic Calm gripe water....


Hand Foot and Mouth

My son was just diagnosed with Hand Foot and Mouth and I am reaching out to...