Nap & Bedtime: Toddler, Pack n Play

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104 answers

Pack N Play or Co-sleeping

Hi All Mommies, My brain is on overload right now with all the products out there for babies. This is my first baby, and with so much info..........HELP Please. My baby is due in Feb. so I have some time ,however , I would love some advice. I already know which crib I would like to have but I'm a lil scared to put my baby in it right after birth. I've read about Pack N Plays and Co-sleeping. I'm wondering if the Pack N Play is a waste of $$ or would it be better to put my baby in the bed with me (just in the beginning ). It seems using a...

No Cry Sleep Solution

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32 answers

Infant Sleeping in Pack N' Play Bassinet Vs. Crib

My 2 1/2 month old daughter is getting too big for her bassinet that's in our bedroom. We're thinking we can move her Pack N' Play in our room so that she can sleep in the bassinet part of it because it's bigger than her current stand alone bassinet. Then when she sleeps through the night in about a month or so, we'd move her to a crib in her own room. My question is - is it o.k. for her to sleep in the Pack N' Play bassinet at night?


Cry Out Method

My daughter is 9 months old and is still waking up, at least once, during...


Cry It Out Method

What do people think of the cry it out method? I think it is kind of cruel...