Night Waking & Crying: Preschooler, The First Years

Results 1-10 from 409 articles

How to Throw a 3 Year Old a Birthday Party?

K.S. asks from Portland

I don't know how to throw my daughter her 3 year party (October 25th). The last two years have been close family only, and I was fine with that. But since my B-day ...


4-Year Old Sleepover with Grandparents

C.P. asks from Danville

Yesterday my husband, two kids, and I went to visit my in-laws an hour away, and toward the end of the visit, it was suggested (without asking my husband or me) that ...


Math for 4 Year Old

V.S. asks from Los Angeles

My son, who is now 4, has always loved numbers since before he was a year old. He loves counting to anything he does - counting going up & down stairs, his toys, sta...


How Can I Get My Just Turned 4 Year Old to Stop "Twiddling" My Chest!

K.W. asks from Los Angeles

I breastfed her until she was 2 and eight months but the " twiddles", where she puts her hand in my blouse and squeezes "nee nee Moo moo" for comfort hasn't! I've tr...


Parent Directed Feeding

H.K. asks from Richmond

I am using the baby wise book, parent directed feeding, which I had great success with my 4 year old daughter. My son who is now 11 weeks seems to have his 8pm and 11...


Last Feeding Confusion

M.T. asks from Boston

My son is now 17 weeks old. He is 100% breast-fed (some from a bottle, and some from me). Here is is general schedule: 5 or 6 a.m. breastfed 10 a.m. - 4 to 6 oz ...


Bottle Feeding an Infant

S.M. asks from Buffalo

Does anyone have any suggestions about getting an infant to take a bottle? My husband and I have been working with our newborn (twelve weeks old) for about 8 weeks no...


Feeding My Baby

K.B. asks from Greensboro

because of my allergies a doctor advised me to solely breastfeed longer then usually recommended and i've nursed my baby-boy without giving anything else until last w...


3 Week Old , Spitting up Constantly Even an Hour After feeding...any Advice

L.L. asks from San Francisco

I have a 3 week old newborn that I am breastfeeding, we are concerned about him spitting up, sometimes even through his nose, even 1 hour after feeding. We tried to ...


When Will He Sleep Through the Night?

S.T. asks from St. Louis

I was hoping to hear from some other moms about when their children started sleeping through the night. I would appreciate advice or comments from moms against the cr...