It's normal for a breastfed baby to nurse throughout the night. There is so much physical and intellectual growth going on, they really need the nutrition. I know the sleep deprivation can be very taxing but it really doesn't last forever. Cosleeping does make it much easier. When you sleep next to your baby your sleep cycles get in sync so when he is waking, you are also waking from a lighter sleep, rather than being suddenly awoken out of deep sleep when the baby is sleeping away from you. It's understandable if you don't want to go back to it might be worth a try to see if it works better.
It is also normal for their sleep patterns to change every couple months as their development changes. Though if you've added solids, there could be intolerances complicating sleep. If he has any other symptoms of allergy, rashes, eczema, etc, you may want to consider that. Sometimes no matter what you do they will stretch out their sleep when they are good and ready.
But there are things you can try other than cry it out. Have you tried adding additional feeds before bed? Or make sure he isn't making up for fewer feeds during the day. As they get more active and mobile sometimes they end up eating less during the day and making up for it at night. If you are feeding a lot of solids before nursing, he may be filling up on less-nutritious solid food and needing the milk at night to make up for it.
I night weaned much older so I don't have personal experience that would be helpful but here is what pediatrician Jay Gordon has to say about night weaning. Though he doesn't recommend it until the baby is at least 12 months, it may be helpful.