Night Waking & Crying: Toddler, Baby Bjorn

Results 1-10 from 345 articles

19 Month Old Clingy Behavior

M.S. asks from San Francisco

My daughter is 19 months old and still nurses about 3 time a day (more if she were able to!) She is a bright, engaging, happy baby with people when we go places. She ...


The Real Truth About Breast Feeding.

T.M. asks from Atlanta

With my first child I didn't breast feed. I was told all these horror stories about how it hurts. You get raw, One breast can become bigger than the other and never r...


16 Month Old Is Driving Me Crazy

T.W. asks from San Francisco

so my 16 month old is driving me crazy. for the past few months she's been very needy, crying and whining when i put her down or leave the room (even if her dad is w...


4 Month Old Won't Nap and Stopped Sleeping Through the Night

J.G. asks from New York

Hi mamas! Please help. My 4 month old we moved to his crib from his basinet a month ago. He had been sleeping through the night until then. And after we moved him ...


Any Advice on Helping Get an 18 Month Old Ready for a New Sibling?

S.Z. asks from Chicago

I'm now 27 weeks pregnant, so since I'm in my last 12 weeks (I'll have a c-section at 39 weeks) I think it's time to start trying to get my now 18 month old son accos...


7 Month Old Waking up During Night

J.A. asks from Minneapolis

Hello, I am desperate for some advice and will try and keep this as condensed as possible. My 7 month old for the past week and a half has been waking up 3-5 times a...


Brand New 3 Month Old to My Family Daycare---unusual Feeding Schedule

R.F. asks from Syracuse

First three days of caring for precious 3 month old baby boy. He is happy, loves stimulation and children being around. LOVES to be held and especially talked to. ...


Night Time Sleeping for 3 Month Old

H.D. asks from San Francisco

my 3 month old has started a new sleep schedule in the last three weeks.he will go to sleep around 8 then wake at 11.feed go back to sleep and wake every 2 hours afte...


Getting Out of the House with a Toddler and 2 Month Old

J.K. asks from Anchorage

I'm a stay at home mom with two children under the age of two. One is 19 months old boy and other is a 2 month old girl. I have been blessed to have my mom help me ar...


Naps for a Three Month Old

C.K. asks from Atlanta

Hello all--I am seeking advice on a nap schedule for a three-month old. My daughter sleeps well at night in her crib (down by 8:30, wakes for one feeding around 3, t...