Pregnancy: Child, Water Toys

Results 1-10 from 14 articles

Age When Its No Longer OK to Shower with Mom and Dad

D.B. asks from Detroit

My son will be 5 in February. I still find it easier to let him jump in the shower with me than to just give him a bath on his own (I'm also 7 1/2 months pregnant so...


Seeking Stepmom Advice

T.V. asks from St. Louis

I have recently become the full-time mother to my 4 year old step-son. His mother just moved out of the area with her fiance and has only called 2 times since she le...


Birthday Gift Idea for 5 Yr Old Boy

R.G. asks from Milwaukee

Hello, my best friend's son is turning 5 and I am at a loss as to what to get him. He loves trucks, but has seriously 30+ of them so I don't want to add to that. I ...


17 Month Old Will NOT Leave Bathtub!

K.S. asks from Cincinnati

Ok, so My son (17 months old) will not leave the bathtub. He loves his bath from the moment he gets in. He makes the usual "shocked" face when I pour water over his h...


Backyard Birthday Party Ideas (4 Year Old)

B.A. asks from New York

I am planning a party for my daughter's 4th Birthday in August. I want do do something on the easy side since I will be in my last trimester with our second child. I ...


Accident Report?

A.B. asks from Dallas

Sunday night I took my 4 1/2 yr old daughter and our dog to a slashground at an outdoor mall. I'm diligent about watching my child, but some parents drop their kids ...


How to Cope with "Everybody Else Gets" When It's TRUE!

L.C. asks from New York

My 10- and 13-year-old children attend a small parochial school and most of the families there are pretty much middle-class. Both complain that everyone else in thei...


Not So Great Summer So Far.

R. asks from San Antonio

Okay, we have had a pretty rough start to summer so far (stay in hospital followed by stomach virus, etc). So now everyone seems healthy (knock on wood) but I have no...


3 Year Old Will Not Take a Bath

K.M. asks from New York

anyone else having issues with three year that will not take bath or a shower....


Down Time for SAHM

T.J. asks from Washington DC

I am a stay at home mom to a wonderfully active 21 month old son. My husband tells me that my time to relax is during the day while he is at work and I am home with m...