Prescription: Teen, Steroids

Results 51-60 from 64 articles

Premature Births

M.P. asks from Phoenix

Hi I am currently 30 weeks pregnant and in the early phase of premature labor. I have had a lot of bleeding/my mucus plus came out yesterday and I am having contr...



A.S. asks from Yakima

My 3 yr old son has bad eczema. I've tried tons of over the coutner rememdies from Tgel shampoo in the bath, Aveeno, Eucerin, Cortaid, just to name a few and none hav...


Be My Dr

R.B. asks from La Crosse

My daughter has had this "cold" for 3 months now. It would get a little better then hit her full blast again. All of my kids had colds on and off so I thought she was...


"HELP With My Son's Allergies and Eczema"

M.S. asks from Atlanta

My 15 month old son has eczema really bad and I feel like I have tried every cream and medication. any suggestions? He is allergic to milk, eggs, and peanuts. I am al...


Need Advise on Pro-active or Other Acne Removal Soaps/cleansers

A.H. asks from Canton

Hello, I have a 13yr old daughter that is breaking out really bad. She wants to try Pro-Active but I wasn't sure if I wanted to spend the money if it's something that...


Anyone Ever Heard a Child with Eczema Developing Food Allergies?

C.R. asks from Orlando

Hi Mommies! I have a 17 month old toddler who was born with moderate to severe eczema. My husband and I have never really been too concerned with what he ate as it ...


Seeking Advice About an Ongoing Problem with Croup

J.L. asks from Albany

My son is a 17 month old who has been fairly healthy during his short life with the one exception of going to the hospital ER 3 times (most recently in the middle of ...


Husband Doesn't Want Daughter to Have Surgery

S.L. asks from Spartanburg

My husband is a great dad. He takes care of our little girl just as much as I do. He reads stories, gets up with her at night, and will even take her to the bathroom....


Advice from Anyone Who Has a Child with Irritable Bowel Disease

A.S. asks from Great Falls

My 8yr old daughter was diagnosed with IBD today. We have been dealing with her stomach aches for 3 months now and were deffinitely hoping this would not be the diag...


Tonsilectomy for 2 Year Old

E.W. asks from Tulsa

My baby girl is having her tonsils & adenoids taken out in a few days and I am wondering if anyone has gone through this with a two year old before. Any suggestions ...