My toddler is currently 3 y.o with a short attention span(as with most toddlers), so I was wondering at what age should we sign him up for swim lessons. Please share ...
We are headed back home to Missouri on Wednesday (yay!), so I put a post on Facebook about it. Now I have people that I haven't seen since highschool making comments ...
. My husband is attending a trade show in Chicago next week and I planned to join him up there Wednesday night through Saturday morning. This would be our first trip...
It's seems like I am the only one that doesn't have my son in a booster seat.... I still put him in a 5 point harness carseat.. IMO, it's a lot safer... All my son's...
Do you buy two sets of prescription glasses (one indoors, one sunglasses) or get the glasses with Transitions lenses? I am extremely sensitive to light and can't go o...
My marriage is over and has been for a few years and I've only now been able to actually act to separate/divorce. My husband is emotionally abusive and has anger, co...
My 3yo daughter is getting sick in the car. We live about 45 min from my parents so we drive there fairly regular. After about 20 in the car she starts to complain ab...