Our daughter is 10 months old now and getting too big to carry in her infant car seat. So, we need to buy a new car seat. We will have to buy two car seats, because I...
My 4 month old weighs 20 lbs. now. He is VERY uncomfortable in the car seat we bought before he was born. Don't recall the brand now but we can barely buckle him up w...
I'm looking for advice for which carseat to buy for my toddler. He is quickly reaching the weight limit on his current seat and I'm looking for the next step...
When deciding on which car seat to buy prior to the birth of twins, is it better to invest in two convertible car seats from the start that they can grow into (and ho...
I purchased the Peg Perego Primo Viaggio car seat and have been quite happy with it. However, my two month old girl is now 24" tall and I was reading on the car seat...
My son is about to turn 1 and weighs 20 lbs. I am researching car seats and need to know what other mom/dads recommend. I have looked at the Graco Convertible car s...
This may sound sort of silly, but I really am not sure what my options are. My almost 8-month old son is on the verge (literally) of outgrowing his infant car seat, ...
I have a 11 month old daughter. I'm going to be switching her to the next stage in car seats. I need to know what car seat you find to be the best. Safety is my numbe...
My 18 month old needs a convertable carseat, she is 27lbs and I want to continue to keep her rear facing. She has been using her older brothers Safety 1st Alpha Omega...
My son is 2yr he is really tall and his car seat straps are pointed down so I need a new seat. He weighs 32lbs. Wondering about a booster seat. Anyone know of a good...