Sensitive Skin: Hydrocortisone

Results 51-60 from 72 articles

Allergic to Touch, but Not to Eat?

R.R. asks from Dallas

Is it possible to have an allergy to touch something, but not eat it? I've noticed that when I handle raw shrimp, I break out and itch, but eating it after cooking d...



A.W. asks from Terre Haute

My son has broke out with hives for the past 2yrs. The odd thing is it is only at the end of July for about a week. I haven't done anything different (laundry det. ...



T.N. asks from Houston

My daughter is allergic to something and we can not figure out what it is. We have not changed anything different as far as diet. She has been eating and drinking the...


Head Itches from Allergies

J.G. asks from Austin

Hi moms! This is almost embarrassing to talk about but my head itches so bad I want to scrub it with a Brillo Pad. I know the first thing most moms will go with i...


Allergic to Mosquitoes?

J.W. asks from Detroit

UGH!!! I had the kids out playing in the sprinkler yesterday. My 2 year old had on a swim diaper and a swim shirt (the kind with short sleeves). When I took it off ...


Poison Ivy?

B.T. asks from Jackson

I think I may have poison ivy(it looks like it BUT theres non that i can see in my flower beds!) anyways i was wondering if anyone knew of something that would help g...


Warm Rash on Hands and Forearms Suddenly Appeared

M.W. asks from Kansas City

For you night owls that are still up.....I hope you can help! We were at an event at our oldest daughters school this evening and right before we left both of my y...


Bumps on Back of My Daughter's Legs

R.T. asks from Houston

Hello moms, I am stumped on this one. My 7 year old daughter has excema and she has these bumps on the back of her legs, like behind her knees and up the back of her...


Horrible Case of Poison Oak

K.F. asks from Salinas

My poor 7-year-old daughter has the worst case of poison oak I've ever seen. One eye and nearly the other are swollen shut and her face is so red and swollen she loo...


Treatment for Mosquito Bites?

R.S. asks from Minneapolis

My 2-yr-old daughter gets the worst mosquito bites! Most of her bites turn into welts larger than a quarter and they're terribly itchy. If she gets a few bites, she...