Skin Problems: Older Child, Hydrocortisone

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17 answers

Toddler with Peeling Toes

Not sure if I should take my 2 year old to the doctor for a small skin problem. The skin on the ends of all of her toes is peeling. I noticed it and started to put some almond oil on it but now she knows its there and she is picking at it constantly. I am afraid she is going to pick too far and it will hurt. Anyone ever had this problem? Any suggestions? Or should I take her to the doctor. She has not and any rash or fever in the past year and it doesn't seem to bother her.


Sick of My Skin!

Anyone has any ideas or products that work well for acne? I had a lot of...

Skin Cancers

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92 answers

Skin Care for 10 Year Old

My Granddaughter has rough bumps on her face and the back of her arms. Description: red bumps and some have whiteheads, feels like sand paper. The doctor says nothing can be done about it. Do any of you have any suggestions? I have tried different soaps and drying creams yet nothing seems to work.