Sleep Problems: Infant, Arms Reach

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6 answers

Out Growing Arms Reach Co-sleeper, What Now?

Our daughter is now 6 months and has been sleeping in an Arms Reach co-sleeper since birth and has always started out the night there except the first few weeks. She currently goes to bed in the co-sleeper at 7pm and is out relatively quickly unless she is having a bad teeth night or got over tired due to missing a nap during the day. I recently figured out how to nurse in bed on my side (about time!) and she wakes at about 4am to nurse and I have been bringing her into bed and feeding her and then she sleeps the rest of the night in bed...


Sleeping by Herself

My baby girl is almost 10 weeks old and while I was pregnant I told myself I...


Infant Bed for Travel

My husband and I are planning some weekend trips this summer with our almost...

Sleep Schedule Changes

See all 62 articles
50 answers

Advice: Freaking Out About Recent Infant Sleep Study

So i just saw that there is a recent study that found that infants and babies that get less than the recommended 12 hrs of sleep per day have a 50% higher risk of obeseity. My daughter is now 13 months and still doesn't sleep through the night. I'm still nursing, and she sleeps in the bed with us (I know, I know, there's the problem, right). I'm a teacher, and I know we need to start moving her to her crib and let her cry it out until she learns to fall asleep on her own, but the doctor said once we start that, that consistency is the...