Social Life: Toddler, Meijer

16 answers

Need Help Planning a Benifit Dinner PLEASE

Our God-Daughter was raced to the hospital this summer with both lungs near collapse and major dehydration. Now, the bills have piled up and they are at risk of losing their home. Her mother and I are going to do a benifit dinner on February 28th and we need help. We have a building (for free)and a general plan for the menu, but need help with the specifics. The building will sear 325, and we have it all day. We figured 10 - 6? What kind of things need to be set up, are the times OK, should we go for doantions for a "yard sale", what kind...

Girls' Night Out

See all 118 articles
15 answers

HELP- 18 Month Old Measuring Small

My daughter is almost 19 months but we had her 18 month checkup today. She weighed 21 lbs 8 oz and measured in the 9th percentile. I have not been worried about her weight (even though I knew she was small) because she ate a blanced diet (fruits, veggies, beans, cheese, etc.) and is meeting her milestones. She even has a little bit of a "belly." The only thing she really doesn't want to eat is meat. She has been known to out-eat my 4 year old son from time to time. The doctor, however, is concerned as her percentile has dropped. She...