Soothing & Comforting: Myself, Enfamil

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18 answers

Enfamil Gentlease vs Good Start

Has anyone had issues with Gentlease? My daughter is 6 weeks old and we switched her to it because the Enfamil lipil kept making her constipated. Now her stools are runny and she has bad gas. I am beginning to think it is Enfamil that is the problem. The other issue is that the formula is so runny. It doesn't seem to have much thickness to it and doesn't seem to sustain her very long. I have heard really good things about Nestle Good Start. Has anyone had experience with this?


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11 answers

What Is Colic?

My 7 week old daughter might be colic. This is my first and I hear different things like "all babies cry". We had switched her formula 4 times and she is now on Gentlease by Emfamil. This seems to work but now she cries(screams) everyday, about the same time. Yesterday it was for 3 hours and it got so bad I had to call my mother to come over. Thankfully she lives about 10 minutes away. I just reached a breaking point and started crying myself. I took her temp and it was fine. Nothing soothed her. If she does this everyday is this colic or...


Could It Be Colic?

My daughter would always get fussy between the hours of 6p and 8 pm...but...


Is This Colic?

My daughter is 2 months old and has recently become very fussy especially in...


Is It Colic?

My 6 week old has been having trouble with having bowel movements pretty...


Nap & Bedtime

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24 answers

Cry It Out Method

Hey ladies. I have a baby that is almost 7 months old. He is breast fed and eating solids now. He wakes up every night around 10 and is awake for about 2 hours at night. My husband and I are doing the cry it out method and I hate every bit of it. It breaks my heart to hear him crying. It doesn't seem to bother my husband at all. I go in there and check on him every 30 minutes, but I still can't stand to hear him cry. Everyone I talk to said it does work and they do sleep through the night. How many nights does this last? Also, my son is...


Infant Sleep Patterns

I don't know which question to ask first. My son has no schedule or natural...