Soothing & Comforting: Neocate

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19 answers

High Allergy Baby- Is Neocate Formula Ok?

has anyone had any bad reactions to Neocate formula? i have a baby allergic to soy, dairy, wheat, nuts, corn, eggs, garlic, beats, pork... you get the point. i'm still breastfeeding her, but doctors are pushing for me to switch to formula- Neocate is the only formula that treats her allergies, however i heard that it can be h*** o* the kidney and my baby was born with one smaller kidney and the other has a little bit of back flow. however, lactation consultanst have said to keep breastfeeding. i have narrowed my diet to only chicken, rice,...

Baby Swings

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15 answers

Holding Baby ALL DAY!

Help! I have a 3 month old baby that absolutely will NOT let me put him down! I feed him, hold him, play with him, change him, and when he is tired, put him to sleep via rocking. When I lay him down, he will sleep for 10 or so minutes and then wake up screaming. I continue on with this for the ENTIRE DAY! I am not able to do anything in my home, it is difficult for me to take care of my 2 year old without having the baby scream the entire time. I barely get a shower...and when I do, I have to listen to the baby screaming from the...


Sleeping in Swing

My son is almost 6 weeks old and the only way that he will sleep for longer...


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10 answers

Does Neocate Cause Gas?

My son is 9 weeks old. He has been on Neocate for about 1 1/2 months now. He has acid reflux so the GI doctor put him on Neocate. He does really well on the formula but has TERRIBLE gas. He screams in pain after eating. I'm not sure if its colic or if the Neocate might be causing the gas. We are debating on switching him to Nutramigen because of the cost of the Neocate and our insurance company won't cover it. Has anyone else experienced gas problems with Neocate?


Advice for Colic

hi guys, I'm a new mom dealing with COLIC. My little girl is almost 3...


What Is Colic?

My 7 week old daughter might be colic. This is my first and I hear different...


Could It Be Colic?

My daughter would always get fussy between the hours of 6p and 8 pm...but...