Soothing & Comforting: Toddler, Zyrtec

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Children's Zyrtec- Major Side Effects????

My 2 yo son was having bad allergies last week and his pediatrician suggested Zyrtec. He's been taking it for 4 days. We noticed yesterday that his behavior was totally out of character. Super clingy, screaming, not drinking or eating as much, waking every hour crying, restlessness, major mood swings. He is normally super calm, easy going and happy. I'm so upset because I just read that other people had similar experiences and they believe it's from the Zyrtec. Anyone else have a similar experience? How long do these effects last? TIA


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56 answers

My 15 Month Old Baby Has Eczema

At the age of 9 months old my daughter was found to have severe Eczema or also atopic Dermatitis. I was give Atopiclair to use on her out breaks. She gets out breaks on her wrist, stomach, shoulder blades and arms. I feel so bad for her because she seems to be itchy all the time. Does anyone know what I can do to help her. I was never given any instructions on how to care for her skin. I have never heard of eczema before. I have also notice that certain foods seem to not agree with her. If anyone can Help me I would ever be so greatfull. J.


What Is Colic?

My 7 week old daughter might be colic. This is my first and I hear different...