Treatments: Child

Results 61-70 from 1,490 articles


C.P. asks from Dallas

I have a 4 month old baby girl and she has had a cough and nasty boogers for the past 8 days. I took her to the doctors the first sign of the cough and she put her o...


Constant Cough?

H.B. asks from Minneapolis

My son has had a cough for quite a while now (3, maybe 4 weeks) and I'm wondering if I should bring him into the Ped. At first I just thought it was because the air ...


Cough with No Other Symptoms

D.D. asks from Pittsburgh

My three and 5 yr old have a cough with no other symptoms. They can't go to preschool, but we need to get back to work. Any mama's have any help on how to treat this?...


Cough Medicine?????

J.I. asks from Fort Myers

I have a 4 yr old that at this time of year ALWAYS ends up w/ a cold. My question... what can you give a 4 yr old for cough relief. He does not take liquid meds, it's...


Cough and Conjestion

R.W. asks from Los Angeles

my baby is almost 3 months and has developed heavy conjestion and a cough what is the best thing to do at home or should i just take him to the doctor?


Constant Cough

H.N. asks from Dallas

My 3 year old has had this Constant Cough for weeks now. She gets these spurts of them during the day and at night. She has coughed to the point of puking. It is a ve...


Cough Syrup

Y.S. asks from Chicago

Hello moms, my son has been coughing for over a week now. We went to his pediatritian last Saturday and she prescribed Albuterol Syrup. 4 days of taking it, the cough...


Constant Cough???

K.R. asks from Toledo

My 4 year old daughter has had a cough for over 2 weeks now. I took her to the doctors this week to see what they thought. The doctor did the routine exam and every...


Cough but No Cold

B.M. asks from Kansas City

Ok my daughter is almost September, and has this cough that started at nighttime only and today started during the day. She doesn't have any symptoms of a cold...


Bad Cough

E.J. asks from Dallas

This is kind of a two or three part question. My 4yo daughter has a very bad cough, she had it at this time last year, it lasted for 3 months and we even had her test...