Tummy Time: Infant, Aquaphor

Results 41-50 from 238 articles

Rash on Baby Neck N Cheeks

S.G. asks from New York

hi my one year old recently got a rash or not a rash but alot of little bumps around neck back of neck and cheeks when she scratches she makes it worst its sort of li...


Need Recommendation for Skin Care for Baby

T.S. asks from Dallas

Hello Moms! My 11 month old son has extremely dry skin and nothing we try seems to be helping. Any recommendations for a baby lotion that works really well? We hav...



J.S. asks from Los Angeles

Hi All! I am looking for recommendations for treating my 7 month old son's baby eczema. He has dry patches almost always behind his knees and a spot on the inside o...


I Think My Baby May Have Eczema

C.S. asks from Dallas

My little guy has always had dry skin but over the holiday we stayed with family and he developed a bad rash on his chest and tummy that was red patches and then litt...


Advice on a Long Trip with a 5 Month Old Baby by Car

T.D. asks from Syracuse

Hello, we are moving next month to a different country (from Italy to Germany) and for many reasons the only way we can travel is by car! our baby is 5 month and i...


Rash in Baby's Skin Creases

K.B. asks from Mansfield

My 5 month old has a recurring irritation, possibly a rash in the crease of his neck. I'm very aware of his cute chunkiness when bathing him and always very gentle a...


Dry Skin on 2 Month Old? and How to Handle a Breast Fed Baby?

H.M. asks from Dallas

Sorry, ladies- two questions. The first is that a friend of mine has a 2 month old, and his skin is scaly. When you touch it, it feels rough. I told her that it ju...


Help with Baby Diarrhea

G.K. asks from Chicago

My son is 10 months and for the past 3 days has had bad diaherra. He soils his diapers 6-7 times a day and his skin is getting very sore. Also, last night he threw up...


Eczema Help?

L.S. asks from Indianapolis

I have a 4 month old experiencing problems with eczema on his head, arms and back. The doctor has not prescribed anything other than over the counter remedies. Aqua...


Calling All Moms with Eczema Babies!

L.W. asks from Raleigh

I don't seem to be getting anywhere with my baby's doctor so I need any advice I can get. For those of you whom have had to deal with Eczema, how do you know what cau...