TV & Videos: First Response

Results 21-30 from 214 articles

Thoughtlessness of 20 Year Old Son.... What to Do?

S.S. asks from Dothan

I am a single mom of a 20 yo son. We have been on our own for over 10 years. He is a good boy, works, and is going to school. Here is my issue.... He has been dati...


Completely Overwhelmed and Looking for Advice! Is This Normal?

C.H. asks from Jacksonville

Hello! I am a newlywed and also a new mother. Our little girl is about 9 months old now and an absolute blossom. I've been having a lot of problems with my husband...


Is My Son Having Nightmares?

J.H. asks from Billings

I have a 17 month old boy. He is a pretty good sleeper normally, occasionally wakes up for a hug, but will go right back to sleep (usually only wakes once a night, if...


Wits End: My 28 Month Old Has Absolutely No Concept of Communication

N.I. asks from New York

I have a relatively smart toddler/preschooler or so her teacher at the playgroup tells me. I know she is bright, she can count 11 objects, but know how to count to 20...


I Feel like My Son Is Bored with Me..

J.S. asks from Seattle

I am a SAHM to a 20 month old ( active) boy...he always wants to watch choo choo's( thomas the train)...i'm not a HUGE fan of the TV, but thats what keep him content....


How to Handle Behavior Problems with My Son

K.H. asks from Chicago

Hi Moms My son has been attending the same daycare preschool for 3 1/2 years. I t was in the home for the first 2 years and last year they moved to a building and ex...


M-in-Law Needs to Know When and How to STEP In

P.L. asks from Houston

When and how does a mother-in-law address her new son-in-law about his staying out all hours of the night with his friends? Enough is enough!!! My daughter and S-in...


HELP! My 9 Year Old Son Is Being Picked on by a Bully

T.S. asks from Peoria

I really hope someone here can help me. My son is being picked on by a boy 2 years younger than him. We just moved here a couple months ago and this boy was the first...


Suggestions for 8 Yr Old Child Caught Lying Again.

J.G. asks from San Francisco

I caught my 8 yr old daughter lying on Sunday. Again. Normally, it wouldn’t be big deal, but I’m having some problems with it. She asked if she could go meet a f...


Need Ideas for Effective, Reasonable Consequences

B.A. asks from Sacramento

Help! I need ideas. I have 4 children ages 7, almost 6, 4 and 2. My oldest 3 are girls. I am having a hard time coming up with consequences when they misbehave, p...