Working: Myself, Maalox

Results 1-10 from 395 articles

Home Made Butt Paste Recipes (With Maalox) for Severe Rash~

N.B. asks from Minneapolis

When my daughter was little, the Dr recommended some concoction for her frequent outbreaks of horrid (bleeding open sores..the whole bit) diaper area rash. Often it w...


Formulas/treatments That Work Well for Babies with Ger/acid Reflux

O.T. asks from New York

I have a 3 week old daughter that was just diagnosed with GERD/acid reflux. I am trying to get recommendations on formulas that are better tolerated by babies with GE...


Diaper Rash! What Do You Do When Desitin Doesn't Work?

K.R. asks from Chicago

Do you have any remedy recommendations for a nasty diaper rash? The skin is broken in the size of a quarter on one little butt cheek, pink everywhere else. My 20 mo...


How to soothe indigestion during pregnancy?

J. asks from Dallas

I am 34 weeks and have had a lot of indigestion. I have been using Maalox but it hasn't been working all that much anymore. I have been drinking sprites which used to...


Need Relief for Son's Mouth

R.H. asks from Dallas

I just took my 24 month old to the Dr. for having a high fever that has lasted for about 2 days. There are no other symptoms other than a fever and some blisters on h...


Help! Screaming Baby! What to Eat When Nursing?

K.S. asks from Norfolk

I'm dyin' here! My six-week-old is on Zantac for reflux, but she still cries...and cries and cries. For up to an hour and a half (usually right after I feed her.)...


Diaper Rash

R.H. asks from Boston

Every once in a while my daughter goes from having perfectly healthy looking skin to having a nasty painful diaper rash in a matter of hours. Yesterday she had a bm, ...


Experience W/ Colic Calm Gripe Water ? Prevacid/Zantac Not Working

G.M. asks from Washington DC

My baby is 5 weeks old and was diagnosed a week ago with reflux (GER) which she's had probably since she was about 3-3.5 weeks old. She cries nonstop all day basical...


Mouth Sores?

C.M. asks from St. Louis

Took my 9 month old son to the doctor last Friday convinced he had a third ear infection. NOPE...the doctor said he has MOUTH SORES!! I was really taken aback. I had ...


Hand Foot and Mouth

S.C. asks from Dallas

My son was just diagnosed with Hand Foot and Mouth and I am reaching out to all you moms who have had a child with this. Between the internet and the Dr. and neighbo...