I think now is a great time to try if you want to. My daughter was five when daughter number two was born, and they are both such a blessing to us and to each other! They really make each other happy...now, they are 9 months and almost 6 years old, and they adore each other...honestly.
But yes, comfortable life will change. My biggest problem is that I am left out of a lot now that I am taking care of and nursing a baby...you know, older daughter and husband get to go do things and because of weather or circumstances, I have had to stay home. You have to make sure you won't resent it...because last year, I missed the parade, the fireworks, the fair, a trip the Big Island Rendezvous (hard to explain, but a yearly tradition we all really love), swimming at the pool, parks, riding bikes, and now I am (gratefully, on this one) missing sledding. I don't resent it...much. I do miss alone time with my older one, and I miss how things used to be some, but I wouldn't change it for the world. And I know as baby gets older, things will go back to what they used to be like, just with another happy child.