ha ha! i didn't have a Constant Talker but i have friends who did, and understand how chinese-water-torture-crazy it can make you!
some will say 'just tune them out.' i'm not sure that's a good idea, because if used as a go-to coping strategy its long-term effect will be to instill in him that he's not worthy of attention. but at 5 he IS old enough to understand 'you can keep talking, honey, while i pay attention to dinner, but i might miss some of what you're saying because i have to focus on what i'm doing. carry on!' with occasional (frequent) episodes of 'my ears are tired now, sweetheart. we're going to have quiet time for the next (5 minutes, hour, rest of the car ride, whatever). when (the timer goes off, we get to the library, the baby is put to bed) you can go ahead and talk some more.'
learning to contain his thoughts for brief interludes will be good for him.
but you don't really want to suppress it.
my aunt still tells the story of watching me out the window, cleaning my paddock with my older following behind, nattering away ninety miles an hour, and the long-suffering look on my face.
i'd trade a couple of toes to have that much of his attention any more.
:) khairete