yicks! this sounds like a tough situation. i'm sure your getting lots of advice but i will just throw in my two cents.
first off, move him to his own bed. i know all the benefits of co-sleeping and we tried, but my ds is also a light sleeper and sleeps SOOO much better on his own. when he was five months i got a cold and had to sleep in the guest room to not wake him coughing. and oh my gosh he sleep 11 hours! then the next night 12! i was in heaven. since i moved him to his own room he almost always sleeps through the night (11 hours).
second. you are feeding him way too often during the day. sounds like he snacks but doesn't get good full meals. then he is hungry at night. by 8 months we were breast feeding 4 times during the day and never at night. then he was taking a good 8 onces during his day feeds (i only know it was this much cause of occasional bottle feeds) you milk supply is also backwards. i would start gradually spacing out day time feeds to every 4-5 hours. obviously don't do it all at once but in 15-30 minute intervals.
third- when he wakes up in the night before being hungry don't use the boob to get him back to sleep. this will just teach him wake up=boob and he will wake more often just to have a couple of sucks.
fourth- forget the pacifer. he is way too old.
fifth- get a good cloth diaper for night so you don't have to change him. getting half naked in the middle of the night is way too stimulating! we use the bum genius pocket diapers with an extra insert and have never had a leak.
ok, i think thats it. i don't mean to sound preachy and these are just things that worked well for us! all moms deserve a full night of sleep and so do babies! it is much healthier for them to get good quality rest!