I concur with Lisa's suggestions... they are great... I too have been thru divorce (with a cheating husband) tho my children were older, I filed when my youngest graduated high school.
Now for YOU. It is possible that your husband is a sex addict. They are people (like alcoholics) that just cannot control their behaviour. I'm not saying its ok to do these things, cuz by all means it is NOT, and unless he gets into a 12-step program and WANT to change, it isn't going to happen. I gave my ex chance after chance and I had no peace until I divorced him.
There are support groups out there, and information online (thru yahoo groups for instance) about this disease, and the people there are very VERY supportive. The online group for yahoo is http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/COSA_12_STEP/?yguid=...
The reason I suggest this is that you will find you are not alone, that there are others that share your frustration, the feeling that you probably had in finding things out, etc. and the inability to have a group of people that truly understand what you are going thru. It sucks. Down and dirty, it sucks.
I am happier now than I have ever been, there IS hope after divorce, and I manage on my own. you can do it also !!
I am also involved in another group... here is the link if you are interested:
This group which I am active in is for women recovering from and trying to have healthy relationships.