Ok, first...breathe. Now, I have PCOS. When trying to get pregnant for the first time I started using Clomid through my OB/Gyn. I did 3 months, increasing the dosage each month and never ovulated. SUCKS! Then I was referred to my RE (Reproductive Endocrinologist) and he added a "trigger" shot that I took around day 13 to my Clomid and I finally ovulated for the first time. Unfortunately, the infertility road is a winding road with lots of hills and valleys (more valleys in the beginning). Just hang in there. Keep doing what the doctor says. If after a few months you aren't seeing results you may need to see a specialist (if you are currently seeing an OB/Gyn). I know it is so difficult to be patient. It is so hard to not be pregnant right now. I know the struggle, the highs and the lows. I know how fast hope can be smashed. But I also have 2 beautiful kids that are the fruit of all that I went through to get pregnant.
I never really had any ovulation "symptoms". When I finally did ovulate I knew because of the OPK. I would take them daily starting about cd12 for about a week. When I did finally get a positive I was shocked, it was the best day (at that point) because I was actually seeing progress.
Keep your chin up. Don't get discouraged.