I'm an optimistic pessimist...
Which means I plan on EVERYTHING going wrong... But know I'll be able to sort it out when it does / plan for the worst and am (almost always) pleasantly surprised at how 'easy' it is.
I started school when my son was 2 months old (he's now 10, and I've taken a couple breaks for different reasons: worked for a year to get hubby graduated, took a year off to save up a downpayment/start homeschooling, 2 years just recently... For several reasons including my STBXH cracking my skull and almost killing me - jerk :P). Anyhow... I learned a LOT about what I need/ what my priorities are/ how to have my cake and eat it, too. But those will be MY answers, what works for me and what I need.
For example:
1) I can't study when my son is awake. When I try I become a mediocre mother and a mediocre student
2) know the only days I CAN'T miss (usually midterms and finals) and arrange backup childcare in 3 ways (never fails... If there is going to be stomach flu, or fevers -my kiddo, or the sitter!- it will be on one of those days.
3) arrange a camp/ weekend at Nonna's/ SOMETHING for my son the week before midterms and finals... So ive got bonus study time
3.5) NEVER count on bonus study time! (sick kids, cancelled camps, etc.)
4) always pay my bills 4 months ahead instead of 3 when living off financial aid (because next quarters financial aid will get screwed up of I dont, and take an extra couple weeks.
5) if its the gym or an A, I don't go to the gym. If its my child or an A, I take a B and deal with what needs to be done. MAD prioritizing. Which is super personal.
6/7/8/9/10... The lessons just keep coming, but as I said, they're site specific for what worked in my life.
To ME, having done both, school is a heckuva lot easier than working... I only needed 10 hours a week of childcare, could skip class almost whenever I felt like it -and ALWAYS when I NEEDED to... They couldn't fire me... My grade would just drop WORST case scenario. And usually it not by a whole letter. If it dropped at all (usually didn't even go down a smidge... Which is obvious when you're mostly a 4.0 student, a 3.9 is a smidge you can pinpoint the cause), but it usually didn't. Can't say the SA
E thing about work! (My son's having a tantrum / lovey phase, it's beautiful weather and were headed to the park/beach/mountains, I need a nap... Just aren't things you can tell your boss).