I think that your adult teeth would come in better and the spacing would be correct if the space was available. I think getting an x-ray and listening to the advice of a dentist is what you need to do.
I have a bay tooth that never fail out. The permanet tooth its gworing right under it. THe baby toth its not loose but its began to hurt when i crew with it and its a little bit losse. If the dentist takes the baby tooth out than there would be a gap becaue the permanet tooth its farely small. woudl it be best to just keep the baby tooth as long as posible until it falls out on its own? woudl there be any way to cover the gap if the baby tooth was removed? How long would it take for the baby tooth to groe?
I think that your adult teeth would come in better and the spacing would be correct if the space was available. I think getting an x-ray and listening to the advice of a dentist is what you need to do.
while it is possible to keep baby teeth as long as possible (for example: my nephew is missing permanent teeth & still has baby teeth in those positions), if the permanent tooth is beginning to erupt & you are experiencing pain....then it is best to have the baby tooth removed. Removal of the baby tooth will allow for a more proper eruption of the adult tooth.
Should the permanent/adult tooth prove to be non-viable, then the dentist can either do a crown on it or remove it & do an implant.
I worked with a lady whose eye tooth came out when she was 25. Her permanant tooth was growing behind it so the dentist pulled the baby tooth. She went around with a gap until it grew in which didn't take that long. She has a good sense of humor so she made a joke of it and proudly showed it off.
You need more information from the dentist in order to make this decision.
I agree with Sue H.'s and Grandma T. I would add that you must consult with a dentist to know for sure.
its gna fall out eventually i say have the dentist yank it out, especially if it hurts.. im 23 and i still have 2 12yr old molars that arent fully out all the way if its really that bigof a deal to u i believe the dentist can make a fake one to put in there but im sure its notgna be cheap.. good luck
I had to have 9 baby teeth pulled and braces for almost 5 years because the baby teeth didn't fall out and were causing the adult teeth to come in crooked. Get it pulled as soon as you can. It will be easier for the adult tooth to come in and much less to fix if you look into braces or corrective surgery in the future.
Had same problem myself. I never had it pulled until college and then I had to have a bridge to fillthe gap as the adult tooth just never formed underneath (disappeared???).