I think that after Katrina, we all take a big hurricane a little more seriously. And it's been a little more than a year since we had flooding here like we've never seen before, where areas that never get wet were washed out so that's fresh in people's minds. I'm sure that the extreme recent weather everywhere has people a little more alert to what mother nature can do. Up here the only thing going on is that people are preparing for power outages and a lot of Sunday events were moved ahead of time (a Kenny Chesney concert, some Red Sox games, and all local events that I know of). There were no flashlights at Target tonight and the water aisle at BJs was about half empty. It'll be interesting to see what happens in another few days. Hopefully this will just fizzle out, but in case it doesn't there doesn't seem to be that hard-headed "bring it on" bluster that we sometimes see. I'm sure that if the coast gets evacuated (especially the Cape and islands) we'll see those "I ain't movin' for no dang storm" people on the news LOL but for the most part, people have been pulling boats out of the water since Wednesday so that might be minimal too.