<laughing> If I'd had my son when I PLANNED on having him... I'd be just trying to get pregnant now.
I'm 33.
I WAS 23. And I had been planning on waiting 10 years.
Was I ready?
Yes & No.
Mentally & Emotionally... I was great. I'd already served in the military. I'd travelled the world. Got the wiggles and the catting around out. Was fairly solid in who I was and HOW I wanted to be living my life.
Financially / "set up"... Bwaaaahahahaha! Heck no.
I was saving up for school. I'd made money hand over fist in an industry I hated (and lost it just as quickly). I'd actually lost 'everything' (all my savings, my condo on the beach, my car... every asset) the year before in Florida (long story), and was visiting my family in WA before heading out to Mass. for school when I fell in love with the (scum sucking slimy immoral dishonest narccistic sociopathic jerk... sorry... mid divorce) who would become my husband and my son's father. 3 forms of birth control failed utterly (i really believe that birthcontrol is something of a prayer; as in "God, I would really like not to become pregnant right now")... and I became pregnant with my son.
The work i HAD been doing (that made rather a lot of money) isn't a job one can do while pregnant OR with a kid. I hadn't saved up enough for school. I didn't have an education. I was VERY MUCH NOT set up.
So... in an ideal world... I'd have waited 10 years.
I wouldn't give up the past 10 years with my son for ANYTHING. Not for all the riches and adventures in the universe.
I'd also always planned both on waiting until my early 30's AND having between 5-10 kids.
Instead; early 20's and 1 kid.
Life, at least mine, rarely goes according to plan.
But what an awesome life it is. :) :) :)