At What Age Should a Baby Get Her Ears Periced ?

Updated on January 21, 2009
J.G. asks from West Covina, CA
67 answers

I have a 2 1/2 month old babygirl and me and husband are first time parents and we want to perice her ears but we dont know at what age to do it at some people say its ok to do it now and some say to wait till shes older so what should we do ? And if you think we should wait then at what age should we do it at?

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I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who took the time to share thier advice with me.....but me and my husband have decided to wait till she turns 3 months and then were gonna let her ped. Do it that way we know its being done somewhere clean and the proper way ... Plus her ped. Said we could do it now if we wanted to because she has had her shots...... So once again thank you to everyone .

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answers from Los Angeles on

Do it before she gets much ears were done by my Pedi at 3 months old. And, all my cousins have had their girls ears done by then too.

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answers from Los Angeles on

I have two girls 10 and 4. I got their ears periced at 1 month old. Its better because they don't grab at their ears yet and by the time they do they will be used to their ears being periced. I never had any problems.

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answers from Los Angeles on

I have not read the multitude of other responses, but my opinion is that this is something she should decide for herself when she is older, not something you impose on her when she is a helpless baby.

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answers from Los Angeles on

To be perfectly honest there is nothing more annoying to me then seeing a little baby with their ears pierced! What's the point??
Also, have you ever had yours done? It HURTS! I couldn't imagine doing that to a baby!
I know everyone has different styles of parenting, but getting this done to a baby is the most ridiculous thing to me...let them be babies and when she's older take her if she WANTS to get them done!

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answers from Reno on

Hi J....

Do you remember when you got your ears pierced? If you do then you remember not just the pain of the actual piercing, but the pain after. How it hurt to sleep on them and how you had to clean and turn them for fear of infection. I am not against piercings I have, and have had, several. I just think with so much to worry about with a very young baby, why add to it. I have an 18 month old daughter, and I don't plan on getting her ears pierced until she asks for it. Making that decision is for her, not me. I have heard from other mothers that between 4-5 years of age is when some girls will ask. And at that age they are old enough to take on the responsibility of helping to care for them.
This isn't something to worry too much about, just see what advice you get and think about it!
Good luck and congrats on your little baby girl!


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answers from Los Angeles on

She should have them pierced when she is old enough to ask for it and really want it herself. It is her body and she will have to live with pierced ears, so it should be her decision to do it, not yours.

I love to wear earrings and I think they look cute on children. But if you get them pierced now, before she is old enough to understand it, you are doing it for yourself, not for her, and that is selfish. My 6-year-old will get her ears pierced when she shows a desire for it, even though I'm sure it would look adorable now. But I won't even suggest it; the idea must come from her, and I will be happy to do it then, and only then.

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answers from Los Angeles on

We waited until our daughter was 13 and made it a "right of passage" for becoming a teenager. She was old enough to take care of the hygene herself.

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answers from Los Angeles on

Hi J.,

I pierced my daughter's ears when she was 3 months old, which is fine. Just make sure you go to someone who has the experience to do it, to make sure she numbs the ear lobe properly so it doesn't sting her. Keep a bottle or pacifier nearby in case she cries. Holding her will help, too. All the ladies in my family have had their ears pierced from 2 months - 1 yr. old. Good luck to you.

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answers from Los Angeles on

Wait till she's old enough to decide. Let her ask you herself to get her ears pierced - it's her body.

I never understood why babies need earrings?

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answers from San Diego on

hey J.,
Well, you will get a lot of different answers for this one. I won't tell you what to do, just tell you about my experience. In my family, generation after generation has gotten their ears pierced around 3 or 4 months old. No memories of the event, no trauma, and almost no crying! My daughter was 3 months, and she made one little cry then forgot about it. Because she was so young, she never messed with them and I was able to clean them often, like when I changed her diapers. She is nine now, and has always loved them. Her friends that don't have them are envious when she wearss cute or holiday earrings. That is how it is for us, I hope that helps!

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answers from Los Angeles on

We did ours at our doctors office right after she got her first shots. Many pediatricians offices do it. My cousin took hers to get done at Claires at 6 months. It is great getting them done so young because they dont even pay attention to them. My daughter has never pulled or done anything to hers and she is now 2 1/2 years old. Just clean them like your supposed to and it should be fine. Little girls looks so adorable with pierced ears.
Go ahead an do it, it is not a big deal at all, they are not scared because they don't know what going on, my daughter did not even cry, once it was done that was it. I love them!!

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answers from Los Angeles on


This is really a personal preference. Really it is up to you and your husband. Do you want opinions or do you want to know at what age an ear piercing place would do it? I don't have an answer to that. I personally don't like to see little girls with their ears pierced either. What is the point? They didn't want them, Mom or Dad did. Why not wait until they are older and can decide for themselves? My daughter is 6 and still has no desire to have her ears pierced. When she is ready, then we'll do it. I think you should wait until she is much older - just my .02.

Congrats on your new baby,

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answers from Los Angeles on


I got my daughters ears pierced when she was four months old. It was the best thing to do, she cried for about two seconds, I think it is the sound that scares them most! But the best thing was that I kept the ear cleaning solution on the changing table, and every time I changed her diapers I cleaned the ears and rotated the earrings. Maybe it was overkill, but it was a habit that has surely paid off over the years. I kept up with that routine for a couple of months (at least).She was young enough not to ever play with the earrings or tug at them. Sometimes, after she was one, she would touch the small soft pearl, but it was not a bad habit. I found that the younger the better. YOU take care of them and they don't ever get infected! I have always said that it was the best thing I ever did!!!
Good Luck!!

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answers from Los Angeles on

I think it is a personal choice of the parents. BUT I have fond memories of the day I got my ears pierced (my godmother's gift to me for my 10th b-day) It was a very big event for me and a special outing for us. So I plan to wait until my daughter is old enough to ask for it herself, so it can be a meaningful thing for her too.
And if she never wants it, I'm okay with that.

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answers from Las Vegas on

Hi J.!

I have to say, I agree with Adrianna and Arleen. The younger, the better...for many reasons. First of all, once they've had the tetanus shot and while they're still nursing, they don't even look up while it's being done! (That's way better and easier than trying to comfort a frightened 6 - 8 year old!) That's how it was with my daughter. I gave her Tylenol about an hour before our appointment. I, myself, marked the ears where I wanted the piercings and started to nurse her. The lady did one ear and then the other and my daughter didn't even react! We did it early in the day to be able to monitor her for any problems...nothing!

Also, because it was done when she was so little (between 2 and 4 months), she never fiddled with her earrings (18K gold, lockable and with a post guard btw!). As I changed her diaper, I cleaned her ears and it became a common practice for her. My friends who waited until their children were older, had problems with the children pulling the earrings because it was something "new".

I've taught many children for many years and dealt with many little girls in our circle of family and friends and I've never ONCE met a girl who either didn't love her pierced ears or, if she didn't have them, want them! The argument that "it's her body" is sort of strange. Does the baby sign waivers every time you cut her hair or take her for shots? It's YOUR baby and, as her parents, you are the ones to decide.

Best wishes,


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answers from Los Angeles on

6-7 years. When they are this little, they pull at everything, including earings. They can accidently rip out the earings and cause real damage to the ears...
Good luck

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answers from Los Angeles on

I agree with many here. My oldest was 8 when she got hers done for her birthday. She wanted it and it was very exciting - and it was another rite of passage for a child - she was finally old enough. My youngest is 6 and no piercings. We'll wait til she's ready and make it another special event. Kids grow up so fast, and they do everything so early, it leaves them nothing to look forward to or do - and so they do dangerous things instead. We set age limits (piercings, dying hair, shaving, manicures, etc) so they look forward to the next privilege. Give it some more thought.

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answers from San Diego on

I agree with the early posters and believe that you should wait until she is old enough to be responsible for taking care of her earlobes and the earrings. She should also be the one to ask for earrings. I know so many moms who got their daughters' pierced as babies and had to let them close up later on. Wait until your daughter asks for them and has the maturity to do the early ear care. I got my ears pierced for my 11th birthday. There was a momentary pain when the doctor (I had my ears pierced at a doctor's office) used the gun to put the earring through the earlobe. Since the earrings were a big treat for me, and made me feel like a teenager, I was very diligent about my ear care.

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answers from Los Angeles on

Forgive me for saying this, but you are so young! When you pierce her ears, make sure it's a pro, or at least someone who has done it for a long time. Do it when ever you want. In some cultures, they do it when they're newborns, and it's not a problem. I think they look cute as toddlers with their ears pierced. It's entirely up to you.
Good luck!

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answers from Los Angeles on

Hi J.,

I know a lot of people pierce their girls ears when they are babies. My daughter was four. She had finished her preschool and it was a "Good for you, you are going to Kindergarten!" sort of thing. Yes it hurt her, and she had anxious moments on the chair where she changed her mind and got on and off and on and off. But, she made the final decision to do it and she did. She was proud of herself for facing her fears and ofcourse her new sparkly earrings.

She also took part in the care routine. We cleaned her ears together, but she got the cotton balls out everyday and the bottle of ear cleaner.

When my sister and I finally did our ears, we had to write a letter to my dad explaining why we wanted them pierced. I think we were 7 when it was allowed. My sister is a year older than me, so my reasoning was that she got to do it at 7. My dad did not accept that as a valid argument and I had to write another letter. Of course, I do not necessarily agree with his strategy. At the time it seemed unfair and harsh, but I understand the point. Ear piercing was a significant event in my life because of the experience as it was significant to my daughter.

Like I said before, lots of parents have their daughter's done when their babies. I think that is fine, if it is what you decide. I am by no means trying to change your decision. I just want to share my experiences with you and give you something to think about.

I think that acknowledging that you are young and being on this website looking for advice and knowledge shows that you are already wise beyond your years and well on your way to becoming a terrific mom. And,even those of us with a few more years experience, have questions and uncertainties just the same as yours. I think your daughter is a very lucky girl!

Take care.


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answers from Los Angeles on

It is ok to do it now. I pierced my daughters ears at 2 1/2 was more traumatic for me then her. It startled her out of her sleep, but she went right back to sleep. I have been told that some doctors office do this, so you may want to ask your pediatrician if they do it in their office. I went to claires, and my daugher was and is fine, she is now 7.

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answers from Los Angeles on

years that is.

I feel that this is a choice should really make for themselves.
I have 3 girls, my oldest is 6 and is thinking about getting her ears pierced. It is a big deal for her and she has been afraid and excited for 6 months now. I think it is going to be a while before she is going to go for it. And I am ok with that.

When you pierce a babies ears there is a good chance of infections on little earlobes especially if they spit up and the milk crusts on them ... the pulling on their ears ... choking hazard the studs can present ... I don't even want to think about what would happen if she would eat one of them! It could pierce her bowels ... the interruption of trust in you - (you are going to let the jeweler hurt your baby t-wice!!) and do nothing to SAVE her!... I can not even list all the reasons why this it not a good idea!

At this age I feel parents only pierce their baby' s ears to to make her cute. A baby is not a doll. Her body is not yours. You are chosen to care for it but ultimately it is not yours to keep.

Please rethink the reasons why you want to do this now, and if you find them not benefiting your daughter maybe take my advice and let it go.


mom of 4 under 8

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answers from Honolulu on

When she says she wants them pierced.

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answers from Las Vegas on

I totally agree with Karen S. and you should wait. How do you even know if your daughter wants holes in her ears? We have two daughters ages 7 and 4 and they don't have thier ears pierced yet.

My husband and I made a decision before they were born to not pierce and let it be a decision that they make. My husband is heavily tattooed and has piercings and will not take them to any of the stores who offer "gun piercings". He said when they decide to have it done, they will be going to a tattoo studio and have it done with a needle. Most places that use a gun, have no proper training and do not have a way to steralize it like a tattoo place does with an autoclave.

Here is a link that will give you more information.

You have a lot of advice from other people but, in the end it is your decision.

Hve fun with your new baby girl, it only gets better from here on making tough decisions.

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answers from Santa Barbara on

Hello J.,
I would say get it done as soon as possible. I had both my girls ears peirced by the time they were 3 months. I had my older daughter's ears done at Claire's in the mall when she was 2 1/2 months and my youngest at her pediatritian's office when she was only a month. Both healed perfectly and I never had any problems. My youngest's ears didn't even bleed! Just make sure to clean them often (front and back) and twist them daily.Good luck with your decision.

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answers from San Diego on

Hi J., you already have a lot of responses, but I will throw mine out there for you too. My mom had my ears pierced when I was 3 months old. My husband and I had our daughters ears pierced when she was 4 months old. We wanted to do it when she was 3 months old, but she had a cold and we didn't want to cause her more trouble than she already had. I think we made a great decision. She cried for MAYBE 30 seconds. No bleeding, and the girl that did it at Claire's was great! She told us how long she had been working there and approximately the number of babies ears she pierced. She took her time to make sure the holes would be even and my daughter didn't hardly move! I can't imagine her getting her ears pierced now, or even when she is older. She will be so much more aware of the pain (or possible pain)!!!
Good luck!
PS I do think they look super-cute on babies!

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answers from Los Angeles on

Wow. I did not relize there was so much controversy in ear peircing! Go with what you want. Don't worry about other peoples opinions. It's not there opinion you're looking for. Maybe suggestions as to when they did thier daughters ears, but not thier opinion. I personally peirced my daughters ears when she was 3 months old. I waited until after she had her 3 month immunization shots. She did fine. She is now about to be 4 years old, and just lost one of her earings. My mother purchased her some new ones, and the baby loves them. She has never pulled or tugged at them when she was a baby, nor did she get an infection. The care of them was not that hard, to even consider it another chore.

On another note, if once you peirce them and she pulls and tugs, that is how they can get an infection. My cousins daughter who had them pierced actually requested to take them out. She just does not like them anymore. She was about 4 or 5 when she asked her Mom is she had to wear them.

Good luck on the choice you make. Go with your gut. Find a CLEAN place to do it. Let us know what you decide.

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answers from Los Angeles on

Hi J.,
I would say wait until she gets her 3 month shots and then do it, if you really want to do it. I have 2 girls and wanted to wait but my mother in law suggested that it get done sooner rather than later since it would hurt less and they wouldn't remember. Keep that in mind. Good luck and if you choose to do it make sure you keep them clean so they don't get infected.

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answers from Los Angeles on

Hi J.,

I belive you can have her ears peirced as soon as she gets her first set of shots. We pierced my daughters ears when she was very young also. I think little baby girls look adorable with their ears pierced! :-)


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answers from Los Angeles on

There is a lot of debate on this issue, ultimately you can pierce your Daughter's ears anytime after 3 months (that's when I did my first Daughter). It all comes down to cultural differences, most asian and latin american cultures pierce early on, here is the US it's not as common, do what is right for you. It will hurt a little be ready to give her the breast if you are nursing or a bottle to settle her down, it's better to do it before she learns to tug on her ears, this will allow for the ears to heal.

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answers from Los Angeles on

i got my daughters ears done at 9 weeks old. i took her to a peircing pagoda because they are cleaner then clairs and wal mart and wont peirce their ears till they have had their 2 month shots. they also offer to check the babies ears after 4 weeks to insure that they are healing well. i find that if you get them done early then your baby wont play with them as much. my daughter is 22 months old and rarely ever plays with her earrings and never takes them out. its your choice. i really do suggest going to the peircing pagoda if you live around one because its more sanatairy. its a little more expensive but its worth it! also a good tip for keeping your babies new earrings clean s to clean and treat them like a body peircing clean them with anti bacterial soap and neosporne 3 times a day. dont use the cleaner they give you. i didnt use it with my daughter and her ears healed 2 weeks early but i kept the peircing studs in for the full 6 weeks. good luck.

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answers from Los Angeles on

HI! My daughter was 6 years old and old enough to know that they needed to be cleaned and stay in. My cousin was a few months old when hers where done and the are very uneven now that she is older. I was five when I had mine done. I would suggest you wait.

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answers from Los Angeles on

If I were you, I would do it right away. Most pediatricians suggest doing it before they start grabbing at their ears, etc...There seems to be a greater risk of infection and prolonged healing in babies that get it done later, if they won't leave their ears alone to heal properly. If you don't plan on doing it soon, I personally would wait til she is old enough to make the choice herself. That being said, I have friends that have gotten them done later (6mos.-1 yr)and had no problems. I have an 8 month old and since I didn't do it right away, I have decided to wait until she can decide on her own. So do what feels right to you should with anything:)

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answers from Los Angeles on

That's a good age. Just make sure you go to someone good, not the mall kiosk. A doctor's office or professional beauty salon.

I pierced all of my girls' ears around that age. It's like getting shots, they cry for a minute then calm down. As they get older and more aware, it becomes more difficult.


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answers from San Diego on

Although I think little girls look adorable with pierced ears, I also wondered if the child would have chose that if given a choice. Why not let her decide if she would like that at whatever age and then all are in agreement.

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answers from San Diego on

As soon as she gets her first tetanus shot she is good to go. I got my girls done at the same time, one was almost 3 and the other was about 4 months. Much easier on the 4 month old. The older they get the harder it is and to keep up the cleaning because then they are most sensitive to the touching. Babies let you clean their ears, no problem. Good luck!

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answers from Honolulu on

Here in Hawaii where I live and there are many different cultures... they pierce ears when the child is a baby.

Personally, yikes! To me, it's just another thing to get infected. ?

It's a real personal choice... but perhaps, a choice the child should make, when they are old enough.

Ask your Pediatrician perhaps, to get their take on it.

I personally don't think it's "cute" seeing a baby with pierced ears, yet I understand that every culture is different and I can respect that. Each culture has their own reason for doing so.

With my daughter who is now 6 years old... she comments on it as most girls this age does.. and she says "Mommy, 'sassy' girls have pierced ears..." This is her take on it, as a young girl. (I know it's not always true, but a little girl 'sees' things differently). I tell her "Mommy has pierced ears..." and she says "Yah, but you're a grown up..."

All the best,

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answers from Los Angeles on

When she is an adult at 18 and she can make her own decision. That's what I did with my daughter. By the way, my ears are not pierced.



answers from Los Angeles on

Wait until she is old enough to decide for herself. They're her ears not yours. I have a 16 month old girl, and I would not dream of doing something cosmetic like that to her if it was not her choice.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not against piercings. I have four in each ear, and at one point had a labret and my eyebrow done.



answers from Los Angeles on

This is all about personal preference so don't let anyone else tell you that you HAVE to or don't have to do it. Personally I chose not to pierce my daughter's ears. It's going to be something that she earns IF she wants it. I don't think it's right to force it on your child at such a young age because you already have a million things you have to do for them, cleaning their earrings shouldn't have to be another one. When Rowan's old enough, if she wants to get her ears pierced, we'll let her, but we want her to decide.



answers from Los Angeles on

we waited untill our daughter was 7 yrs old and she could tell us if her ears hurt from the earrings, and she could be responsible and not take them out to lose them. Your baby might use the earrings as something to pull on , to chew on god forbid one gets loose.. although some cultures peice as soon as the baby is 1 month old.. I have also heard other moms who waited because they did not want toe whole in the ear to stretch because of the growing babies do so fast..



answers from Los Angeles on

I would wait until she is old enough to make the decision for herself. That is my personal opinion. Good luck with your decision, and enjoy your little one.



answers from Los Angeles on


I don't believe there is an age minimum on ear piercing. I pierced my daughter's ears when she was 3 months and I love seeing babies with pierced ears. But... on the other hand, because she was so young, for whatever reason I ended up piercing her ears at least 2 more times (she's now 16yrs) because she would tug on them or they would just fall out and her ears would close.

Do what you think is best - you know your baby best



answers from Las Vegas on

They are your daughter's ears, not yours. You have no right to punch holes in them without her permission. Most pediatricians say to wait until age 8, when the girl is old enough to care for them herself. But the point is that she should want it, not you. I know plenty of adult women who have never pierced their ears and have no desire to. And if I could go back and have mine undone, I would.



answers from Los Angeles on

I had the same dilemma and waited until my daughter was 6 months old, some time after she had her 6-month immunizations. I just wanted to make sure her immune system was more built up. Also, I was with my twin nieces when they had theirs done at 11 months. All three girls cried less than a minute and have had no problems with the piercings to this day.

I have girlfriends who've done it as early as 2 months and have had to re-pierce later in toddlerhood because the hole shifted with growth.

Just things for you to think about. Good luck with your decision!



answers from Los Angeles on


When my son was that age he was still crying from gas pains etc., so personally for me I wouldn't even think of adding anything to the mix to worry about. Circumcision... not sleeping So much going on. He's a year now but I remember it well. If your not having a tuff time wondering what it is that's bothering her when she cries, then I think doing it the earliest your pediatrician recommends is good. My daughter wanted her ears pierced so badly maybe around six. She always had a problem. I was always telling her to take care of them no way could she do it her self. She's 19 now and loves her pierced ears. I'm going to show her your post and the replies actually and get her opinion on everything that's been said. Here's what I think... If you and her daddy both agree on it then do it while you can take care of her piercing. I think you will do a great job making sure there healing and healthy. My Pediatrician Dr. Bromberg does it in his office. I thought it was strange at first but now I understand. Have your doctor do it though not some place in the mall.



answers from Las Vegas on

When my daughter was born 3 yrs ago we just questioned the Pediatrician and she suggeted to wait due to the size of her lobe -so we took her suggestion(they pierce them in the office-I would not take her anywhere besides the ped) Anyway I am so glad we did not do it then. I want it to be here choice not ours. If she wants it done fine we will do it if she does not want it done fine too it is her choice. I say don't do it because you want it done. L.



answers from Los Angeles on

I personally think it's silly to see babies with earrings on. Almost like putting them in high heels. Why not make it something special for her and let her decide when to get her ears pierced. Sometimes as a right of passage has this been done on families. And by the way, babies are a lot of work, time and attention. Why would you make more work for yourself. Rediculous earrings on a baby



answers from San Diego on

Wow! So much controversy and not just one sarcastic and off-putting remark too... Boy, for the ppl who are so worried about body modification, I have to ask, did you circumsize your boys? Because that's body modification too, y'know...

ANYWAY, like most have said, it's personal preference. My godmother took me to get my ears pierced when I was 6 months old. In our culture, babies get their ears pierced. But my father had a fit and took them out. I didn't get to re-pierce until my father passed and I built up the courage to get it done. I was 8. Got my second holes at 13, then stopped. I love having 2 in each ear so I can show off a dangly and a stud, but it was my choice.



answers from Reno on

I agree with Claudia. My niece waited until she was 7. I'm going to wait until my daughter is at least 6 because it's body modification and she needs to be able to decide if she wants it or not and be able to care for them as they heal.



answers from Los Angeles on

upon the pediatricians recommendation, my daughter's ears were pierced at 3 months old after her first set of immunizations were wanna make sure that your daughter is at least immunized to fight possible infections and conditions like tetanus don't wanna wait until she is bigger either as she will feel the pain. my daughter cried a little bit only because she was startled and stopped immediately after i cuddled with her.also be very careful where taking her for the piercing. ask your pediatrician if they do peircing in their office as many of them do nowadays. i went to this place called Merle Norman in the mall and they were great with babies.places like these send you and the baby home with antiseptics to clean the piercing and an anibacterial ointment.i am very glad i did it as my daughter now is 3 and is very curious and she loves the idea of having an earring. hope this helps. good luck.



answers from San Diego on

I was torn too! I heard all sides and I waited until just after my daughter was one! I cried and she cried for less than a minute! Everything has been fine since.



answers from Las Vegas on

I'm of the mind, with my daughter, that it is her body, she should decide whether she wants to get it pierced. Frankly, the whole piercing thing with our little girls is just a tribal ritual -- an American tribal ritual -- but a tribal ritual nonetheless. My daughter does know that when and if she decides to pierce her ears, it will be a big deal with mom taking her to the doctor to have it done and to an ice cream parlor for an ice cream cone and a movie afterward. That's how my mom did it with me and I still carry fond memories of us doing that together to this day. I would like to share the same experiences with my daughter.



answers from Los Angeles on

Maybe you should ask your doctor. Everyone on here is going to tell you different things.



answers from Los Angeles on

Hello J.. I want to say that the decision is completely up to you and your husband but I think some of the other moms have a good idea to wait until she has had some more shots. My daughter had her ears pierced around 2 months (my mother-in-law took her, and I went along, and cried when my daughter screamed her head off, it was traumatizing for me). My daughter was basically born bald, and I think my MIL wanted to make sure she looked like a girl. I really don't know, but I was young and just went along with it. The only issue I have ever had with it, because she never had any trouble at all once they were pierced, is that her earlobes weren't completely formed yet (they grow as the child does) and therefore her holes are off center. They aren't REALLY noticable, but I notice it, and I'm anal so it bothered me slightly, but I got over it. I wasn't allowed to get my ears pierced until I was about 10 though, and I think that was a good age (for me) because I was able to take care of them (for the most part) by myself.



answers from San Diego on

I got my daughter's ears pierced at 6 months. Make sure that they use two guns and do both ears at the same time. My daughter started to cry then they gave her a lollipop and she was fine.



answers from Las Vegas on

I would wait. That is just another thing for you to take care of especially if they get infected, not saying that they will but just in case. I would unitll she can tell you if she whats it done or not. My husband and I secided that if we ever have a girl we would wait untill she is old enough to take care of them herself like 8, or 9. I don't think it would be a good Idea unitll they are older. But that is just my opinon. Have a great day



answers from Los Angeles on

Hi J.!!

I agree with Kelly. I have a 4 year old daughter and refused to get her ears pierced when she was an infant. I didn't feel that I had the right to make a decision like that for her. I got a lot of backlash for my decision. Me and my daughter's father aren't together, and I have physical custody of our daughter. He has other daughters with his wife. They have chosen to pierce their daughter's ears, and told me that when my daughter was visiting them, that he would have them pierced anyway. I told him that if he did it, that he would be wasting his money because as soon as she got home, I would just take the earrings out, and let the holes close. Luckily, he heeded my warning and has not pierced her ears as of yet.

She has started asking to have her ears pierced in the last 6 months, mainly because her "sisters" have theirs pierced. Her 5th birthday isn't until November. If she continues to ask for them, then I will let her get them pierced for her 5th birthday.

Your question is at what age to get your daughter's ears pierced. My answer is when she is old enough to make that decision, and is able to help with the responsibility of keeping them clean.

Good luck!!




answers from Los Angeles on

OK so as a young mom also I want to add my 2 cents. I did nt read all of your responses but I read enough of them. I took my twin girls to ge their ears pierced at 3 months old (CA they must be at least 90 days) They were hungry so I feed them right as the lady piecered them. I did it young because they weren't rolling, touching, or playing with them to get them infected. They never even knew. Now that they are 3 on tiwn always wears earrings and they other wont wear them any more.



answers from Los Angeles on

We were advised to wait until she can at least hold her head steady, or even better to when she can sit up by herself. We pierced our daughter's ears at about 10 months. She never bothered with them at all.



answers from Los Angeles on

In my family, Grandma gets to take her granddaughter to get her ears pierced on her first day of Kindergarten. Grandpa gets to pick her first little diamonds or pearls. It was a very, very special event and I will remember this day forever!!!

Hope this helps... start a new tradition in your family.




answers from Los Angeles on

I had my girls done at 3 mos. I think it is better then because they heal easier and they don't pull on them at that age. Most of my friends have them done early. Have them done by her doctor I believe it is safer.



answers from Honolulu on

Hi J.,
My suggestion is to do it at 3 to 4 months old. It's easier to clean the ear piercing area and less for her to touch the ear. Don't be alarm if she cries during the piercing. Hope this helps your dicission.




answers from Los Angeles on

I think culture plays a lot into this. I'm a Latina and had my ears pierced when I was a newborn, less than 2 months old. Although growing up I wasn't into earrings, I learned to love it because my ears never closed so I didn't always have to wear earrings like many of my friends or they had to have theirs redone.

My husband on the other hand is American, and he thinks that any age before 13 is wrong, and that it should be the girl's choice.

I think regardless of the age you chose, make sure you find someone with good references, especially if you decide to do it while she's still a baby. I'm sure babies require a bit more precision as their ears are small and they tend to wiggle when you want them to be still. Looking forward to seeing what you decide on.



answers from San Diego on

I would wait until at least 13. I think in a young girl, there is a risk of ear infection from piercing. At age 13, your daughter can say that she WANTS pierced ears and do the self care and pick out her own earrings. Best of luck.



answers from Los Angeles on

My daughter was 4 months old. Glendale Pediatrics will do it for $35.



answers from Visalia on

Hi J.,

I know those earings are so cute on babies but my personal opinion is they should be old enough to ask for it themselves. I feel as though it is their body so they should be the one to chose if that is something they want. However if that is not how you feel I would at least wait until she is old enough to talk and be able to tell you if they are hurting or getting sore. I have seen some badly infected pierced ears that could have been treated earlier but the baby couldn't say they hurt. All the best!


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