I would call this number: (888) 788-DONA (3662)
It is DONA international (DONA=Doulas of North America). When you call ask them if there are any Doulas in training in your area. You can get a not-yet-certified post-partum doula to visit you for free. Of course, if you have the money and desire you can just ask them for a referral for a certified post-partum doula. I really think it will help.
Don't be afraid to ask people for help. It doesn't make you weak or incapable. You need and deserve adequate time to rest and recover, especially since you are breastfeeding, and 2 weeks is not long enough. Your body is consuming calories faster than you can consume them, your hormone levels are fluctuating and you're sleep deprived. Hubby (or at least someone else besides you) should be doing all the grocery shopping, meal planning, chores and childcare if you are only 2 weeks out. Aim to do only the following: Breastfeed, Eat, Sleep. Rinse, lather, repeat. If you find that you are being pulled away from those 3 things then it's time for someone to step in (hubby, doula, family member) and do those other things while you focus solely on feeding, eating and sleeping. You are not selfish for limiting yourself to those three activities. I hope your mood improves over the next few weeks. Best of luck.