My brother has that. You really couldn't tell when he was little because his hair was white blond but when he got older, oh yeah! He owns it!
Our little one was born with a streak of grey hair. His ped is not at all concerned about it, neither am I. Just curious if there are any folk tales associated with this. Like for instance a child with cafe au lait spots was due to his mom craving chocolate, or a gap between your teeth means you are lucky.
Just curious.
F. B.
My brother has that. You really couldn't tell when he was little because his hair was white blond but when he got older, oh yeah! He owns it!
No folk tales but 'Rogue' might work as a nickname if you like Marvel comics at all.
My son is 13 and still has a single gray hair that I noticed shortly after he was born. He's a fabulous kid and super smart, so let's just say it's good luck!
my 16 year old has had a "patch" of gray hair for 16 years. Left side of his head. Smaller than a penny but noticeable.
He has a cafe au lait spot on his left leg/buttock area as well.
Never stopped to think about wives tales on this one. Sorry!
Actually, one of my older girls has strands of silver/gray. Just strands, no streaks. Now at 17, she has found some that look like they are blonde (she is brunette/I'm blonde). I was told that they are good luck and to leave them alone. She goes with that.
As for the café au lait spots, my 8 yr old has 3, and I did not eat sweets when I was pregnant. Chocolate tasted fake to me and everything was just yuck.
None of my boys have streaks in their hair.
One does have a birth mark on his butt.
My son is 22 and has a blonde spot the size of a nickle on the left side of his head, and a jet black streak on the top right. I call him the Calico Kid! No wives tales, but he is an amazing kid, and not to mention an amazing Marine!! I hope you find your answer. Oh, his spots are considered birth marks.
:) I did when I was born and at as a grandmother at my age, I should have a full head of gray hair; most of my gray surrounds my face like a halo. So bangs helped with that. My dad's sister born with black hair was entirely gray in her late 20's.
I say, don't worry about it; at least not at this point.
It's probably white hair instead of gray. One of my family members was born with two of them on her ead on the top. Back when she parted her hair in the middle, it looked like she had streaks. I used to tell her that she looked like she had paid a fortune for it at a salon...
Hers was a birthmark. No pigment, thus white. I have no idea about old wives tales...
i don't know, but how wonderful!