Congratulations on both children and the upcoming baptism. The best gift we found for the godparents of our children was a book called Godparents: A Celebration of Those Special People in Our Lives by Michelle DeLiso. The reason we liked it is because it recognized what an important role we feel this is for our children and their godparents but also ways for them to bond over the years. Three out of the four godparents have other godchildren but each one of them commented that they loved the book for a number of reasons: it gave ideas about bonding and remaining invovled in their godchildren's lives, explained what a godparent should be and the role they can take after the baptism, and included many wonderful stories. Often times people do not really know what their role is as godparents, even if they have other godchildren. The other thing to remember is that asking these special people is a gift in and of itself so our godparents felt this was above and beyond but still remain focused on the expectations of them as godparents and also gave us the opportunity to be on the same page, pardon the pun. Good luck.