Hi A.,
Losing a baby is unbelievably painful. I went through it. The best thing you could do is find a hospital or center near her has a Perinatal/Infant Loss Bereavement Group. Im sure in Boston there is. My local hospital in Greenwich, CT has a great group. The nurse who runs the group may be able to help you find something up in Boston if you cant find one. Private message me and I can get you her #. Her Dr could offer some suggestions also. It was the only thing that got me through. She will be with others that have been through the same thing. The idea of a a gift of a butterfly (or angel, as that is what people call a baby that dies) is a wonderful idea. There are tons of books about losing a baby, you can help research some of them. Babycenter.com has a bulletin board and one of the topics is loss and support. Right now she needs the support of others who have been there to help her (and her great friends that are also suffering her loss). It is a long grieving process even without having had a difficult time conceiving. She may at some point "blame" herself and all sorts of other things that most likely were out of her control. Since you are not in the area, flowers, a card, a take out restaurant delivered dinner are all great things. Call her regularly, she may talk one day, just be there and be a friend!